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Nothing more nice than a peaceful morning right?


Kang Yeosang was peacefully sipping his hot coffee when suddenly a loud crashing sound followed by screams were heard on the other side of the wall

He left his small table and went to peek outside his apartment, other people are also peeking on what's happening outside

One of his neighbors groaned "Them again?"

The neighbor was talking about the couple just beside Yeosang's apartment

There hasn't been a day that the couple wouldn't fight, even the smallest thing they would fight over it

One time Yeosang was putting picture frames in his wall and overheard about the couple fighting which lunch will they eat. They argued for an hour just for food.

"Hey, Yellow Hair dude"

Yeosang look at his right and saw a boy, probably five years older than him "Can you tell them to shut up? We're all trying to sleep. It's only five in the morning"

"He's right" the other neighbors agreed

He didn't have a choice so he sighed and went to the couple's apartment

Just as he was about to knock, the door opens revealing a woman just about her age-maybe younger infront of him. An annoyed look plastered on the woman's face

"What do you want? Go away" She sternly said

"Uhm Hi.." He started "Can you keep it down a little, because you know it's five in the morning and some of our neighbors are still sleeping" he awkwardly laughed, why is he laughing?

"Oh" The woman turned to everyone "I'm sorry if we disturbed your sleep, But we- I promise you that this will be the last of it" she then bowed to everyone

Picking up her bags, she walked past Yeosang. Then the door opens again causing the blond to jolt. A black haired man also just about his age was standing outside the door watching the girl walk away

"I don't care if you don't love me anymore but just think about our child!" He shouted

The girl stopped and turned around "I don't even want her!" that was her final remarks after going down the stairs

The dark haired man looked at Yeosang "I'm sorry you have to see that"

"No, no it's okay I guess?" Then awkwardly laughed, again why is he laughing?

There was a long awkward silence after that

"Uhm well, I'm gonna go now" Yeosang murmured.

Just as he thought of sipping his now cold coffee in peace, loud cries were heard on the other side of the wall, again. But this time only him can hear it.

He groaned in frustration "If my other neighbors can go back to resting why can't I get to rest too?" He looked at the wall "They can go back to sleep while I suffer with them" he groaned again.

His and the black haired man's apartmet were poorly made probably because the lack of materials and also bacause his apartment was on the last and farthest floor.

There was a time that the man suddenly knocks on Yeosang's door and asked to keep the music down, because his daughter was sleeping and Yeosang would do the same if he can't sleep beacuse of the child crying or the couple arguing

Yeosang can't knock on their door now, the man was clearly tired and probably stressed because he's alone with the child

There was a feeling that he wanted to help the man but he doesn't even know how to take care of kids and hell he didn't even know the name of his neighbors

Yeosang wondered "What is his name anyways?"

It'd be rude he just called him "The man"

He slightly laughed. He remembered that time he saw both of the man and the kid playing together just outside their apartment. The kid was wearing a black and white dragon costume while the father was wearing a all black costume. It was silly but cute at the same time

"Mr. Dragon" He giggled "Oh!" He stood up, looking like he got something brilliant on his mind "Mr. Toothless!" He laughed harder thinking of the silly nickname

But then stopped and slapped his cheeks "I shouldn't be calling him that, he sat back to his couch thinking a much nicer nickname for his neighbor

"Oh" he said again

A month ago someone knocked on his door, a delivery guy who literally screamed on his face just as he opened his door

"Mr. Park! I've been knocking on your door" he catched his breath "several times! Just pay your parcel please" the poor guy was in a rush, out of breath and holding his stomach

"D-Do you want to use the bathroom? You can use it if-"
He didn't even let Yeosang finish, the guy just went inside his bathroom

A few minutes later the guy went out of the bathroom, a wide smile plastered on his face, he sighed in relief

"Thank you, Mr. Park. You can pay the parcel now" he was eagerly looking at Yeosang who was eating breakfast, cheeks full of rice

"I'm not Mr. Park" he said, only focusing on his meal

The delivery guy laughed "You're nice and also funny! But seriously you need to pay, no more jokes"

"I'm not joking" the blonde looks at the man dead in the eye while eating another mouthful of rice

"Huh, why is my parcel here?" The guy next door peeked inside Yeosang's apartment

"Excuse me! This is Park Seongwha's order right?"

"Ah! So his mame is Park Seongwha..." Yeosang finally has something to call him



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