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"Seongwha, I don't have any idea in asking someone out"

Seongwha has been asking his friends about asking someone out and none of them helped him. "Come on Hongjoong! I know you know something! You write songs as your job come on!"

Did I forgot to tell you that Seongwha just barged in to Hongjoong's studio? Yeah he did. Just to ask how to ask someone.

"Ask Yunho and Mingi, aren't they dating?"

He did asked Mingi and Yunho just an hour ago, but they didn't help, the couple just told their embarassing moments in dating and that's not helping Seongwha at all

"Who are you asking anyway?"

"No one"

Hongjoong gave Seongwha a "really?" look, he stood up from his seat and examined Seongwha. "You look fucked" he laughed

Well you can't blame Seongwha, he has been sleepless because he thinks that Yeosang keeps avoiding him. After Seongwha took care of Yeosang, both of them didn't talk to each other for a week! Up until now they haven't talk to each other. He only gets small updates from Wooyoung's post

Other than Seongwha, Jinwha also misses Yeosang

"God, Yeosang?" Hongjoong has an amused look on his face "Not gonna lie, Yeosang is pretty. Nice one, Seongwha"


"Well If I was Yeosang, I would like things simple"

That's all he said before pushing Seongwha out of his studio. He got a decent answer but how can he talk again to Yeosang?

He fell inlove many times, but how did he only feel this way? What did Yeosang do to make him like this?

Nothing to do, he decided to go home to Jinwha.

"Appa!" Jinwha welcomed Seongwha by hugging his legs and smilling brightly at him

"Appa I have a question! Like a lot!" Jinwha pointed at the couch, indicating Seongwha to talk a seat on the couch while she goes to the room and then came back with a pen and a notebook on her hand

"What is it?"

"How do you know if you like someone?" Jinwha said, while fiddling the pen

"Well, if you like someone" he trailed off, his thoughts started to go to one specific person "Well if you like someone, you'll get this feeling. I don't know how to describe it but you get weird..? I don't know"

Jinwha looks at Seongwha before scribbling something on her notebook "And?"

"And well, there are people who shoot their shot and some of them just admires them from afar"

Jinwha hums "Okay, how about you?"

"How about me?-What does it have to do with me?"

"Just answer my question, Appa"

Seongwha became quiet, 'What about him?' Well if he was being honest it would be 50/50 he will try to confess but also try to just admire someone from afar

"Well, I think I'll...try ko shoot my shot?"

"Hmm very well" Jinwha wrote something on her notebook again, Seongwha tried to peek but Jinwha pushed him away

"Do you like Mr. Handsome?"

So suddenly?

"You mean Yeosang?" Seongwha gulped, Jinwha is finally asking about him liking the blonde. He was unsure about Jinwha's reaction and what she would say. Jinwha might hate him for it

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