say yes to heaven

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"Ash? Ashton where in heaven are you?!" Ashton's hand faltered as he went to turn the page of his latest book, his head rose and he turned to try and find the owner of the voice,

"oh thank God-" a breathless KayKay came into view, her expression was enough to get Ashton to his feet - his book now laying forgotten on the floor. KayKay quickly regained her composure "they've got Luke" straight to the point, one thing Ashton always appreciated.

"What?" He felt as though the breathe had been knocked out of him "what do you mean they've got Luke?" KayKay winced.

"Someone told the higher ups that he's been on earth" she paused "that he's fallen for someone there" Ashton was already moving before he could respond, his legs carrying him to the domineering doors of the so called 'higher ups', truth be told they were just the oldest angels around that had cemented their leadership through basic threats.

Ashton rounded the corner and saw two angels stood by the door, he contemplated figuring out a sneakier way in but then he heard it, he heard Luke, more specifically his cry of pain.

He wasted no time in forcing himself past the guards who really didn't resist all to much and stumbled into the expanse of a room where right in the middle was Luke - being held up by two blade wielding angels, Ashton couldn't see much but as soon as Luke's head turned he could see the blood racing down the younger mans face. Everyone went silent at the disturbance, the only sound being Lukes ragged breathes.

"It wasn't him," Ashton began, eyeing Luke who immediately seemed to catch onto what he was going to do

"No it-" Luke attempted weakly

"It's me, I'm the one who's- who's been down on earth." Ashton let out a breathe knowing he'd sealed his fate with that one statement.

"Is that so?" the angel sat atop the throne like chair who went by the name Anna tilted her head, her eyes narrowing. "Because our source could've sworn it was young Luke here."

"No. It wasn't. Luke caught me, I begged him to not say a word. I don't know who this source is but they're mistaken - it was me." Ashton said it with such conviction a part of him even began to believe it were true, he chanced another look towards Luke and he could see the tears well up in his bright eyes "you know me, you know what I've done" Ashton met Anna's eyes.

"I do," she said simply, "let the young one go" the two angels dropped Luke unceremoniously to the cold ground and seized Ashton just as quickly, soon enough the hilt of the angel blade was rammed into his face.

"No!" Luke cried out, another hit, another blade dancing along his tanned skin, "Please don't-" Luke continued but nobody even moved, nobody cared.

"I always knew you were a bad influence, just like your father." Ashton fought against the restraining arms at that comment,

"I am nothing- nothing! Like him" he growled.

"Oh really? You've corrupted this poor boy just as your father did your mother" she snarled back cruelly knowing how deep her words cut, with a simple nod the two angels were given the go ahead and stripped Ashton of his shirt, his wings stuttering out from their hunched position, he immediately froze, nobody had seen his wings for years aside from Luke and KayKay.

"Just as unsightly as I unfortunately remember" Ashton's eyes were now closed tightly, unwilling to see the looks on the faces of his brothers and sisters, because Anna was right, they were unsightly.

Many feathers sat crookedly and some were stained a dark reddish black, the touch of a demon tarnishing them forever.

He barely registered what was about to happen but his eyes were forced open by the blinding pain that followed as the angels began to slice off his feathers, not the darkened ones but the pure white ones.

"Please- please stop! Stop!" Luke's pleas started up again, his voice becoming scratchy. Anna held up a commanding hand and the pain ceased making Ashton release a shuddering breathe of relief.

"You want this to stop?" She said feigning sympathy, her sharply manicured nails dragging across her crossed arms.

"Please" Luke sobbed against the pair of arms which held him back, they belonged to his brother Jack who began to whisper harshly in his ear,

"Luke stop- you've got to-" he was cut off by Luke who kept shifting and struggling in his arms.

"Alright." Anna leant back waving her hand nonchalantly, "Cast him out." Ashton felt his heart stop, the sound evaporated from the room, the blood rushing in his ears taking over.

"What-" Luke choked out "You can't!"

"Cast out the young one too, clearly spending so much time with our resident traitor has had an effect, corruption in our midst." Luke felt time stop, his brain slowly registering what this meant as Jack tightened his grip as if that would stop them.

"We haven't cast out another angel since his father" Jack gestured to Ashton's hunched figure "it would send a message, a bad one, there must be another way." Luke could practically hear the desperation in every word but alas it fell on deaf ears.

"Maybe its time we set an example, like father like son if you will. He has caused nothing but disruption after his return, ridding ourselves of him and his new little follower can only have a positive impact" Anna stated clearly and coldly.

"My mind is made up, and I'm sure my fellow brothers and sisters would agree" she looked around the room where many nodded firmly and a few followed albeit nervously. "Bring them."

Anna stood, her heels clicking on the white floors which were now stained with the blood of the two condemned angels. Luke and Ashton were hauled to their feet and dragged from the room after Anna, and as they travelled the winding hallways passing by the doors of people passed, lingering angels began to follow the commotion. They came to a stop in the open hall where hoards of angels now stood muttering to one another.

Anna began another spiel as Ashton felt his mind catch up to him, he looked to Luke who was kneeled by him. I'm sorry Ashton mouthed as the tears began to fall, Luke shook his head and managed a shaky smile, there was no anger in his eyes, no hatred just helplessness and Ashton hated that it was him who had pushed Luke to this position.

Ashton ripped his gaze away from his friend when he heard the yell of KayKay sound from behind the front rows of angels. She was halted by the front row but her face fell completely once she laid eyes on Ashton and Luke, the former shook his head and she fell quiet. At some point Anna had stopped talking and Ashton felt himself being shoved to Lukes side, the last thing he saw was KayKays devastated expression.

That was it, until everything began to burn.

it's heaven in your arms | cashton/mukeWhere stories live. Discover now