if heavens above where does that leave me?

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Everything was bright, too bright.

His eyes remained shut as the wind whipped against his face causing sharp stinging sensations which were accompanied the unrelenting burning. To Ashton everything was blurring together but his mind managed to piece together one thought, one word, one name, Luke.

He pried his own eyes open and pushed himself as much as he could with his wings to reach the other boy who was falling with his back to the ground, still somehow managing to resemble something so delicate and angelic despite the very much not delicate circumstances.

Ashton threw his arm out and felt his fingertips brush past Lukes bony wrist, he may have missed but it did catch Luke's attention so that he too reached out to grab onto Ashton.

With one final effort Ashton finally latched onto Luke's wrist and pulled him in quickly and closely so that he could shield the younger boy with his own wings, he figured that they were already messed up that he may as well say fuck it and try to protect Luke's pristine white pair. He could feel Luke hold him with a death like grip, the sound and feeling of his breathe on Ashton's chest being the only comfort in this nightmare.

There was nothing he could do, nothing either of them could do, but Ashton swore to himself that if he could achieve anything in his last moments it would be keeping Luke alive so when he felt the stabbing pain come back full force he simply screwed his eyes shut and held Luke as firmly as he could. Ashton was so focused on the blonde that he barely even registered the incoming landing, he may as well have just welcomed it with open arms.


"The hell is that?" Michael looked up to the disturbance in the skies, his hand shielding his eyes from the blinding sun. Calum sidled up to his friends side and looked upwards

"I have no clue," He murmured and turned back to fixing the fence that lined their property, Michael scoffed at Calum's dismissal and adjusted himself to look to him.

"Seriously? That's all you got? You're not at all curious?" He asked dumfounded,

"Not really Mike," Calum huffed but his next words were cut off by the ground tremoring beneath them, they both stumbled and went to steady themselves on the ground with their hands. Their heads slowly turned back to see and hear the splitting of the trees within the forest that lay just a ways away from their home.

"Ok now I'm curious." Calum got to his feet, pulling Michael up with him.

"Seconded..." Michael mumbled as he began walking towards the forest,

"I'm gonna grab some stuff—" Calum trailed off "here, Mike." he tossed a simple plain blade towards Michael before retreating back into the house to grab any possible protection that could be of any use. "I'll be right behind you." Michael nodded stiffly but went onwards regardless, his steps bordering hesitant as he passed from the clearing and through the first few rows of trees.

As he advanced past each row everything appeared fine, at least until he saw the destruction that lay ahead. Trees lay almost flattened against the scorched ground, the trunks split and dismantled laying over one another. Michael took care not to lose his damn foot as he traversed the hazardous terrain that was definitely a new addition.

All of a sudden a voice began to echo around him, at first it was an ear piercing whine which held no words but it quickly morphed into an actual voice, a voice that sounded sickeningly familiar. He picked up his pace and gripped his blade more tightly whilst still taking care as to not trip and impale himself on a splintered tree trunk.

"Please! Dammit anyone? I-" the cries were cut off by a sob and the closer Michael got the more the fear continued to clench around his heart, he knew that voice.

it's heaven in your arms | cashton/mukeWhere stories live. Discover now