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"Hey babe

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"Hey babe. How's everything going?" I asked linking arms with him.

"It's going good they want to play volleyball girls versus guys." He said.

"Well how can we play if mom is cooking it wouldn't be a fair split." I said.

"Yeah it would. Oh and by the way someone rang the bell." He said chuckling as he walked back outside.

I was curious as to why he was being so suspicious but I went to the door and opened it up to reveal Sofia.

"Sofia!" I yelled jumping at her.

"River!" She yelled back pulling me into a hug.

"Are you the reason they want to play volleyball?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Well of course! Haven't you heard? I'm the best, they can't beat us with me on your team." She chuckled as we walked outside where Ryleigh and Madison joined the rest of the guys.

"Ramon!" I yelled jumping at him.

"River this isn't the first time you've seen me in months we literally went to Target together yesterday." He said with a laugh.

Ramon was right yesterday morning I had picked him up and we went on a target run for no reason at all. We got Starbucks and made TikToks in the isles then we bought a few snacks. Me and Ramon have always been the closest siblings in the family. We are inseparable, like two peas in a pod. We are each other's best friends always have been and always will be. He's my go to person to hang out with before Joey, Cory, and Sofia. Knowing that I won't be able to see him every day anymore for around six months made things harder for me. I can't imagine a day I wasn't with him, even in college and we went to the same college. I just hoped he could come with me to South Carolina and don't get me wrong I will miss all my other siblings just as much but the bond was so much deeper with Ramon.

"Okay everyone dinner is ready!" I heard my mom call out from the kitchen.

"Looks like we'll have to delay that volleyball game." my dad said as we all walked to the dining room where the food was set out for everyone.

My parents sat on the ends of the table. Ross sat next to my dad on his right and I sat next to him then Ramon next to me and Ryder next to mom. On the other side was Sofia next to mom on her right then Ryleigh, Madison, and Ryan next to dad. We all ate the amazing pasta my mom made and talked through the whole dinner.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" My dad asked standing from where he was. We all looked up at him as he proceeded. "First, I would like to say thank you everyone for coming to dinner on such short notice. It's a pleasure to have you guys here and you're always welcome in our home. Second, I just want to say how proud I am of my sweet angel, River. I remember all those times you would make little plays with Ryleigh and make your brothers act out animals or trees. Those were some of the best times and I can't wait to see what's in store for you. But most of all I can't wait to show you off when the show comes out and I'll be able to look at my TV and say 'that's my daughter'." He finished as everyone clapped to the words he spoke and I stood up all teary eyed and gave him a hug.

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