Chapter Sixteen

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“So when is your concert?” Suuki asked, taking a potato chip from the bowl Niall had brought into the living room with him.

I had completely forgotten about the concert the boys had said they would put on.

“Yeah. I think it is organized for the first Friday of the school holidays actually,” Liam replied, “so in two weeks.”

“Cool!” Bethany said then added with eyebrows raised, “do we get backstage passes?”

“Yes! Absolutely!” Zayn said, putting an arm around Bethany’s shoulders and pulling her towards him.

“Get off me you big oaf!” Bethany squealed, pushing Zayn away. But Zayn was only encouraged by this and jumped on her. He ended up sitting on her lap, grinning triumphantly.

“Can’t. Breath,” Bethany complained, breathlessly.

“Come on Zayn. You don’t want to kill her,” Liam said, smiling. Zayn frowned and slid off her lap revealing a very squashed looking Bethany. I laughed and Bethany glared at me.

A couple of hours later we had finished our gossip session and were preparing for dinner.

“What do you want?” I asked anyone that cared.

“I’d like Nando’s,” Niall, who seemed to be the only person that was listening from the ruckus of chatter and laughter coming from my dining room table. Rose had returned from her boyfriend’s house and had also joined us.

“Sorry Niall, but that’s not an option. The options are,” I slid my finger down the page in the phone book and called out the take away numbers I could find, “pizza, pizza, Chinese, pizza, pasta, Thai, pizza and pizza!”

“Hmm. I think I feel like pizza,” Harry said, standing up from the table and coming to my side. I turned to Niall. He nodded and smiled.

I called the first pizza place and ordered a hell of a lot of food. I think it was about seven pizzas, five garlic breads and three bottles of coke.

“Ok, that’s done,” I said, taking a seat at the table, “what are you talking about?”

“The formal!” Rose sang.

I think Rose is the most excited of all of us about the formal. She loves dressing up and looking pretty.

“Who’s everyone going with?” Suuki asked wrapping her arm around Liam’s.

“I think it’s pretty obvious,” Bethany replied, “you two, Ella and Harry, Rose and Zac, Bronwyn and Cody and I am dragging along Zayn.” Zayn made a face and Bethany slapped his arm.

“It’s not that bad. I think you’re going to love it,” she said. Zayn wrapped an arm around Bethany again and placed a big, sloppy kiss on the side of her head.

“I think I will love it! Going with you and all!” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Bethany wiped at the Zayn slobber on her head,

“You are sooo gross!!” she squealed, shoving him away.

Ten minutes later it was 6.20. I decided to go and pick up the food.

“I’ll come with you,” Harry said jumping up from the table and walking towards the door. He opened it and he gestured for me to go through first. We both got into my car and we drove to the pizza place.

The pizza shop was I one of those small complexes with several other small shops. We walked into the building and past a newsagent. I glanced over the window display of magazine covers and continued to walk. Then I did a double take.

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