Chapter Seventeen

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“You did what?!”

“I. Broke. Up. With. Her,” he said slowly, as if I hadn’t understood the first time.


“It just wasn’t working. And she’s been spending to much time with that floppy haired guy.”


“Dunno his name. She’s just always with him. And the rest of those boy band guys.”

“They’re friends for goodness sake!”

“Yeah, and I was her boyfriend! But she didn’t even turn to me for support when Georgia passed away!” now he sounded frustrated, “I love Bronwyn but I’ll not really positive the feelings are mutual.” And he hung up.

“Grrr,” I growled in frustration as I walked back inside the house. I found Bronwyn still sitting in the dining room. She had calmed down a bit and was only sobbing lightly.

“Hey, are you ok?” I asked, rubbing my back. She nodded.

“Where did you go?” she asked, looking up at me, her eyes painfully red.

“I called Cody…”

“What did he say?” she asked, sounding hopeful. Maybe she thought it had all been a mistake.

“Um…he said…that he thought you don’t like him anymore. Because you’ve been spending a lot of time with Louis…” I answered carefully. Bronwyn’s reaction was very unexpected.

“Louis? He thinks I have a thing for Louis? Ha!” now she was really laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked, slowly, unsure.

“I don’t even know!” she said, laughing even harder.

“Ok…well I’m gonna let you calm down,” I said backing out of the room and going up the stairs. When I got to my room I found Bethany and Suuki sitting on my bed.

“Oh hey! Where have you been?” Suuki asked, not looking up from her toenails that she was painting bright blue.

“Downstairs with Bronwyn,” I replied nonchalantly, digging around in my closet for something to wear.

“What were you doing?” Bethany spoke up.

“Oh, nothing really. Chatting.” Suuki looked up and shot me a look that suggested she didn’t believe me. But she left that topic alone. 

“What are we doing today?” she asked instead.

“I was thinking Dream World,” I replied, adding, “aha,” when I found what I was looking for.

“Sounds great!” Bethany said, putting the lid back on the bottle of purple nail polish and jumping up off my bed. Suuki placed the lid on her own nail polish bottle and stood as well.

I went into my ensuite bathroom to get changed. It wasn’t the best day to go to Dream World considering the sky was overcast and I could see the trees outside the bathroom window blowing violently.

I pulled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a superman t-shirt and a black cardigan. When I left the bathroom Suuki and Bethany were lined up outside the door. Suuki rushed past me yelling, “need to pee!” I laughed and went downstairs.

Half way down the stairs I ran into Liam.

“Oh, hey! Do you guys have any plans for the day?” I asked him.

“,” he paused to think, “no…I don’t think so.”

“Great! Do you want to go to a theme park?”

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