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I needed to talk to her hearing a rumor that she likes me I didn't really like Evelyn but I just needed to be her friend and talk to her, 'Then I found out that she was having detention with me'

I met her at her lunch table with her best friend ava then told her that I needed to see her and told her that we'll talk during detention.

' I went to meet my gangs, Noah and Daniel alongside Jin,yeah Jin was a Korean guy but he was getting used to us.

I met them discussing about the basketball match that our team was having next the ragers and the FA Lakers our team and guess who was the captain Daniel, Daniel of all people, even though Daniel was an hot temper guy he was still my best friend.

We deliberated that after school tomorrow we'll have our practice since I was having detention, the bell rang and we all went to our next class was English, that woman was fucking boring

She thought us verbs I can't count how many times she has thought us verbs, she dragged on the lesson and unfortunately I was already dozing off.

She caught a glimpse of me and called my name agressively, I answered and she told me to answer the question I was confused and didn't know what to say.

A girl Lia who was seating next to me and wrote irregular verb on her book and said 'Irregular verb' I later found out that she was asking me the last topic that she said she would teach us

I gave Lia a thumbs up and she replied with a smile. Dragging different lesson and different agressive teachers coming in.

When we were in our last class we were having Ap Biology and found out that Evelyn and I are sharing the same class she came into the class with her best friend ava.

Ava sat next to Daniel and I see that those two have things going on.
There was no space for Evelyn to sit, the sit beside me was the only only empty sit she had no choice but to sit with me I spent the whole class staring at her but she only looked down and was giggling.

All along Mia was starring at us and giving us the death glare Incase you don't know Mia was my former crush and she knew about it. Finally the class was over and I remembered that I was having detention

Chapter two[2] completed, how'd you like James POV do you want more of it?

Let's see the spark between James and Evelyn and also jealous Mia

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Eunice cares👉️👈

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