Chapter 3

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Evelyn's POV

After getting detention this morning and James telling me he wants to talk to me I wonder what he wants to say tho

My classes were rushed and I wasn't really in a good mood yeah but ava was there for me.

The last class was Ap biology and I found out that I'd be sharing classes with James,I walked into the class and Ava rushed to sit with Daniel

She once told me that she had a crush on him weird right??
Well the only sit that wasn't occupied was next to James Oh no I muttered under my breath

Trust me I couldn't concentrate how would he have such a perfect shaped face with his heterochromia eyes..yes that's rare having different colors of eyes.

And Mia the school's bossy bitch was giving us that stare. "We once Heard that they were both having crushes on each other" I wonder why tho

Finally school was over and I realized that it was time for detention.

I waved bye to Ava and I strolled to the detention hall meeting Mr Johnson he was in charge of the hall and he had this grumpy like face. I quickly found a place to sit

After some few minutes James came in I couldn't stop myself from staring. He had abs and you'll obviously know that he went to the gym often.

He came in and sat down beside me, gush I was feeling butterflies in my stomach.

After some few minutes he started a conversation by saying hey. I didn't know what to say I just kept staring at him then I finally replied by saying 'hello'

He told me that he heard that I was having a crush on him and I wanted to date him

I felt my blood boiling,I told him calmly but anger evident in my voice that I didn't like him and I had a crush on someone else not him. He looked shock and sad when I said it

I remembered telling only ava but I was sure that ava couldn't do something like that, I wondered who told him

The rest of the detention was quiet with few other students whispering because they didn't want grumpy Mr Johnson to hear them.

The detention class was over and I was still looking confused and sad about what James told me, he looked at me and I quickly cut the eye contact

I rushed out and took a bus which dropped me in my house, I met my mum home and I quickly hugged her but she replied with a cold face.

Chapter 3 completed, this chapter write it to not keep you guys hanging

The next chapter will be combined POV'S James Evelyn's mum and Evelyn

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I might dedicate a chapter to any of my readers
Bye lovelies 😚💖

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