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A/N: If you see any misspelled words, grammatical errors, or a sentence that doesn't make sense. Let me know in the comments.


6 years ago...

I don't feel so good. I'm tired and weak.

The doctors said I shouldn't move much or else I'll feel pain, but even when I'm not moving I still feel it. And It hurts so much.

I want my mum and dad, but I haven't seen them in weeks. The last time I saw them was when they brought me to the hospital.


I'm 13, and I'm not dumb. My parents left and I have a feeling they don't plan on coming back. Mum is broke and spends whatever money she gets on drugs. And dad? He gambles all of his money.

This is the third time my leukemia has come back.

And for some reason, it always makes its way back right before I'm out of remission.

The first time I had it was when I was four.

My parents were always by my side, and they spent a whole bunch of money on my treatments.

Lucky me, I got better.

The next time it came back was when I was eight. I started feeling sick again, and at first, I thought it would've just been a fever, but nope. It was a recurrence.

My parents had spent a bunch of money again for my treatments and appointments, but this time it was harder for them. They couldn't afford it, but they tried their best. After I got better and my remission started, things changed.

My mom was always worried about me and so was my dad. It must've overwhelmed her so much that she needed a break.

Which is why she turned to drugs. Everything like weed, cigarettes, cocaine, pills, you name it and she's on it.

My dad started gambling to make money and pay off my treatments, but then he became an addict.

He started only playing for himself. He would win money, gamble again, and then lose it. That same pattern every time.

They stopped paying attention to me for years until I fainted four months ago. That was the first time they had paid any attention to me in years.

However, after they found out my leukemia came back for the third time and I'd have to do treatments again, they gave up.

They dropped me off at a hospital and split. Haven't seen them since.

My parents leaving the city also meant nobody would pay for my chemotherapy. Which also meant I wouldn't be getting any treatments.

I was placed in an orphanage a month later and even though I was in so much pain, I was still unable to get the treatments I needed.

I knew this meant I was going to die, and at first, I would cry about it, but now? I accepted the fact that everybody dies eventually, so I just got over it. If I'm going to die at such a young age, so be it.

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