chapter 01.

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A/N: If you see any misspelled words, grammatical errors, or a sentence that doesn't make sense. Let me know in the comments.


3 years later...

There are three types of people. There are happy people, unhappy people; meaning sad and mad, and then the in-between. It's obvious which I am. Unhappy. I don't know how it's hard for other people to know which they are. Idiots.

My life is shit, I am shit, people are shit. Fuck everyone and everything. I can't remember the last time I was happy about something. Wait, no. The last time was when Mina was still alive. We were singing in the living room, and all of a sudden she drops to the ground. I call an ambulance, we go to the hospital, and they spill the bad news that she is no longer with us.

Hell, fuck the hospital. That shit hole was like my second shitty home, other than the one with my addict parents. Fuck them too.

I was right.

People in my life always leave. My parents, and Mina. Mina left me her house, her belongings, and her money. All of that is shit without her. It's not the same as before when she was with me. She gave me everything which I am grateful for, but I am not satisfied without her. I need her.

My heart hurts every time I think about her. Everything hurts when I reminisce about the moments with her. I miss her.

Here I am, sitting alone in a cafe near the college I now attend. Reading one of Minas' books that she left for me. Of course, it's about romance. I only like romance because of her. However, it's the last thing I want to experience. This one is called "Hustle" by Ashley Claudy.

Mina said she loved the book because it showed how people could be platonic friends with the opposite gender. However, she must've been reading a different book because the male character stayed friends with his ex while being with the female lead. Him and his ex were known as the two that fight, have sex, then makeup. What bullshit. Especially the fact that the female lead let that shit slide.

I will never understand women that let men walk over them. Me? I would never depend on a man for shit.

I continued reading while taking a sip of my tea before I was rudely interrupted by an "ahem" sound. When I tilted my head upwards I was met with a familiar face. A familiar face that I had recognized from somewhere, but I couldn't remember.

"Refill?" I ask the strange guy, averting my gaze back toward my book. "Oh, I don't work here," he chuckled softly. I could hear him taking a seat right across me, but I tried to avoid meeting whoever's eyes this was.

"Okay? Then what do you want?" I replied bluntly, continuing to read my book.

No response.

I lift my head, averting my eyes from my book to him, and of course, he was already staring right at me.

I purse my lips, "I don't know if there's any nice way to say this, but I like to read without feeling like someone is staring into my soul, so kindly fuck off and go find another girl to bother."

"Wow," he said with an amused look. Brows raised, eyes slightly widened, and a smile making its way onto his lips. "What's your name?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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