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Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The Game

DIANA sat in the stands with her Dad sitting beside her; a mist escaping from her lips with each breath. Her leg couldn't stop bouncing which the Sheriff noticed. "Are you okay?" Sheriff Stilinski asked his eldest children; placing a hand on her leg to stop her from bouncing.

"Yeah. Just excited, you know?"

Diana gave him a reassuring smile before looking back at the field. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and her screen lit up to reveal Stiles had texted her; saying Scott was in the locker room and still was gonna play. This caused her leg to start bouncing again. Scott and Stiles walked onto the field together and when they reached the bench, Lydia approached Scott. Diana, being too far away, couldn't hear what Lydia was saying but guessed she was threatening Scott to make sure they win. Lydia left Scott and sat near Allison and Allison's Dad who Diana knew was the hunter that tried to kill Scott during the full moon. Stiles made his way to the bench to take his usual place as benchwarmer whilst Scott prepared to join the rest of those playing. "I'll be back," her Dad told her before making his way over to Stiles.

As the players got into position, Diana kept her eyes on Scott as she chew nervously on her thumbnail. The ref blew his whistle and the game began. Diana noticed none of the Beacon Hills players were giving the ball to Scott and when Scott went for the ball, Jackson shoved him to the ground before scooping up the ball and scoring. Everyone but Stiles and Diana cheered. Diana looked over at Lydia and Allison behind her when she heard Lydia cheer loudly and let out a small groan when she saw the sign they were holding up. "Crap," she muttered under her breath when she turned back to the field and saw Scott was also looking at the sign.

The other Beacon Hills players were huddled together without Scott leading Diana to believe Jackson was the reason why they weren't passing to Scott all game. They got into position again with Scott hunched over like he was going to be sick. Diana returned to biting on her thumbnail as she watched. The ref blew the whistle again and the players fought for the ball until the opposition threw the ball. Scott leapt over two players and caught the ball before sprinting towards the goal, dodging players as he went. He scored and Diana couldn't help but jump to her feet and cheer loudly.

They reset again and this time, an opposition player grabbed the ball. As he went towards the goal, he was stopped by Scott and shockingly, past the ball to him. Scott ran to the goal again and threw the ball so hard that it ripped through the goalie's net and into the goal. Everyone cheered again loudly before the players got back into starting positions again. The whistle blew and this time, Jackson got the ball and passed it to Scott. He suddenly stopped and Diana had a bad feeling in her gut that he was losing control. "Shit, shit, shit," Diana muttered under her breath; now biting the skin around her thumbnail.

With barely under time left on the clock, Scott threw the ball and scored at the last second. The whistle blew to signal the end of the game and Beacon Hills won by one point. As everyone ran off the stands to congratulate the winning team, Diana noticed the Sheriff was on the phone and seemed concerned. "Dad, what's wrong?" Stiles questioned when he also noticed their Dad on the phone.

Sheriff Stilinski held up a finger to signal Stiles to wait before hanging up the phone. "The medical examiner has determined an animal killed the girl," he informed his children as he knew that one of them (mainly Stiles) would keep asking what the call was about if he didn't tell them.

"So Derek can't be the killer?" Diana asked her father who nodded.

"We also ID's the girl. Her name was Laura Hale. Derek's sister."

The siblings made eye contact with each other; knowing they fucked up.

Diana entered her bedroom and pulled off her jacket; throwing it onto her desk chair before turning on the light. Her eyes locked on a figure in her room but before she could let out a scream, they placed a hand over her mouth. "Quiet," Derek growled quietly; placing a finger to his lips to signal her to be silent.

He removed his hand; knowing she would remain silent. She pushed him away from her and narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you crazy? Breaking into the Sheriff's house?" she asked him; making sure not to speak too loud for her brother and dad to hear.

"I needed to speak with you."

"Well, be a normal person and call. Or even meeting in a public place. Not breaking into my bedroom and standing in the dark like a creep," Diana scoffed at him; her eyes narrowing more at him.

A smirk formed on his face as he stared down at her. "What am I talking about? You're not normal," she commented as she sat down in her desk chair and crossed her legs and arms; staring at him.

She signalled for him to sit on the bed across from her which he did, surprisingly. "I'm sorry about your sister. Why did you say anything?" Diana asked him; her eyes softening and her arms and legs uncrossing.

"It wasn't any of your business," he remarked at her causing her eyes to roll.

"Still. My brother and Scott may be idiots and think you're evil, but they wouldn't assume you'd be evil enough to kill your sister. Hell, even before I knew she was your sister, I didn't think you killed her," Diana explained to him; shrugging her shoulders slightly.

Derek remained silent as his eyes moved to look at his feet. Feeling confident, her hand reached out to touch his shoulder but before she could touch him, his hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. She let out a small gasp when she noticed his claws were out and lightly digging into her skin. "Okay, no touchy," she chuckled awkwardly and winced slightly when his claws dug in more.

He didn't stop pressing his claws into her skin until he broke skin causing her to cry out. "Let go," she begged as she tried to remove her wrist from his grip.

"If you and your brother don't stay away, this will feel like nothing," he threatened her; his eyes flashing bright blue.

Her own eyes glowed red and Derek definitely knew his eyes weren't playing tricks on him as she growled; "Let go."

Out of his control, he released her wrist as his eyes glowed red before the red disappeared a second later. She held her now bleeding wrist in her other hand as she glared at him. "Do that again and I'll turn you into a rug," she threatened him before pointing towards her window.


Derek followed her demand and left through the window. Diana stumbled to her bathroom where she had a first aid kit in the cabinet. Tears dripped down from her cheeks as she watched the blood get washed down the drain. She wrapped a bandage around the wound before leaving her bathroom and diving under her covers; blocking the outside world. Her tears stained her pillow as she held her injured wrist to her chest. She knew she said she wasn't scared of him but right now, she was frightened. 


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