Regret and Remorse

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Chay's POV


I muttered unconsciously.

He stood still on his spot. Still on his back, It looks like he is waiting for me to say something more. but what should I say?

Why are you waiting for me to say something when you should be the one who is apologizing to me?

In that moment my body felt numb. My lips are tightly sealed as my mind thought of this one thing.

I grabbed his hand like the last time. Holding on to it as if stopping him to leave me

I can't let him leave me for the second time

I felt déjà vu linger through my veins as the same scene appeared within in front of me.

I felt him look at my direction and that's when I close my eyes. I can't face him but I don't want him to let go.

"Chay, what are you–"

"Are you going to run away from me and your feelings again?!"

I cut him off finally letting go of the building anger inside me.

I hate him! I hate how he kept on pushing me away. I hate everything about him. But I hate myself more, because I can't stop liking him—loving him!

He acts as if I'm just a toy for him. Anytime he can use, and anytime he can throw away.

I want to tell myself to forgive him. But how can I?

How can I forgive someone who doesn't ask for forgiveness?

"Chay, I-im sorry"

He said in his voice breaking. And that was all it takes for me to break down in front of him. In front of the man who took my heart and teared it to pieces.

I let go of my pride and fell into his arms Which caught me on time.

That familiar warmth of his.

"Porchay, get up please"

I kept my eyes closed. I don't think I would want to. I want to stay here, I don't want to let go.

My tears kept flowing as I bit my lips tightly. My eyes still shut because I don't want to wake up. I don't want to let go, what if this is just a dream?

"Chay, please I can't see you like this anymore"

He muttered as I sobbed.

I slowly got up and opened my eyes in front of him. I took a proper glimpse of his orbs in order to read him.

As if air was knocked out in my lungs, I was shocked by what I saw. His eyes were full of longingness, hatred and pain.

But why does he have those eyes?

I should be the one having them.

Did he just let his guard down and let me in, in his walls? Was that regret I saw in his eyes?

"P'Kim why–"

I wanted to ask him why is he like this.

Instead, I was left speechless with what he did.

He hugged me?!

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