~Signature Move

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"Fritz, Omaha, Skywalker, you're up." Maverick's voice crackles through the radio. 

"Hey Oak, bury the fossil." Jake smirks. "Will do." Grabbing her helmet she salutes him. 

"Hi, I'm Neil Vikander, Omaha and this is my WSO Billy Avalone, Fritz." 

"Nice to meet you guys. Oakley St. James, Skywalker." She sticks out her hand. "Hi." Walking to their planes, they begin their checks. 

"Hi there Super Hornet. I'm Oakley Skywalker St. James. Nice to meet you." Climbing into the cockpit, she clips her mask on. 

"Skywalker, up and ready." 

"You are cleared for takeoff." Pressing forward, Oakley feels the pressure sink into her bones as she files into the sky.

"Fancy meeting you up here." Fritz smirks from their plane beside her. 

"Wow I had no clue you'd both be here." 

"Ha-ha. Where is he?" Checking her radar, nothing is coming through so she does the neck breaking check around her and nothing. 

"Where the heck is he?" Turning to shrug, her radar starts going off and before she can even register, her plane is blown to the side as Maverick comes in between them. 

"Fights on!" Gaining control she immediately follows after him. 

"On my go, break right Skywalker." Omaha shouts. "Ready when you are."

"Go!" She breaks right, allowing Omaha and Fritz to come in for the kill shot but Maverick throws his brakes on and flies up and over them, positioning himself for a perfect shot.

"That's a kill."

"Ah!" Omaha snaps. Taking the opportunity, Oakley dives down. Still above the hard deck, she knows she has room as Maverick follows her. 

"Alright Skywalker, what are we doing?" Turning around, she can see Maverick coming down and getting in range for the shot. 

"Showing off my moves." Smirking, she pulls her center stick up and her aircraft rises straight in the air before Maverick has time to pull up. Angling herself down, she flips on her gun. And that ladies and gentlemen, is a Skywalker signature.

"That is a kill." Flying up beside her, Pete pulls off his mask, smiling. "That was well done. Return to base." 


"Lieutenant St. James!" Turning around from her aircraft, Oakley sees Pete walking up to her.

"I have to go do my pushups, but I just have a question. How did you manage to pull straight up not vertical?" 

"Simple. Be me." Pete laughs, sticking out his hand to shake her hand. "That's fair." Flashing him a smile as he walks away, Oakley makes her way to the waiting room/classroom. 

"Ladies and gentleman, please give a round of applause for the queen of the skies!" Jake exclaims as Oakley walks in. 

"You know it." She smiles, skipping over to him, high fiving Bob on her way to Jake. 

Righteous - Bradley BradshawOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora