~Saying Goodbyes

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mentions of panic attack

Landing back on the tarmac after her brush with death and the emergency chopper being sent for Phoenix and Bob, Oakley collapses by her plane. 

For the first time, she can't slow her breathing. She can't think, her lungs are tight. Nothing is working to slow down. 

"Oak!" A muffled shout is all she can hear besides the pull up pull up just repeating over and over. 

"hey hey. Look at me. Look at me." Raising her head to look at him, Bradley's heart breaks as the tears are falling on Oakley's face. 

"Hey hey. Imma need you to take a deep breathe okay. We will do it together okay? Three two one." Placing her hand on his chest, Bradley takes a deep breath with Oakley.

"One more, give me one more. There we go." 

Throwing her arms around Bradley's neck, he moves so that Oakley is just sitting in his lap as he hugs her. Soft sobs can be heard from Oakley as he just holds her. 

"I'm sorry. I got tears on your suit." Oakley huffs as she pulls away. 

"Hey don't be sorry, are you okay?" 

"No." Pulling her in again, Bradley stands up while moving Oakley to his arms to carry her back into the hanger. 

"Are N-Nat and Bob okay?" Oakley suddenly looks up and around. 

"They landed a few minutes ago they are at the med bay right now. Which is where I'm taking you right now." 

"No no. I want to wait here for them. I'm fine." 

"No, you have to be checked out." 

"No, i'm fine." Bradley lets out a low chuckle as she hiccups. 

"Let me wait with you, please." Looking at her, Bradley sees that she cares more about her friends than her most recent plummet to the earth. 

"Fine, but as soon as we know, I'm taking you to the med bay. Deal?" 

"Okay." Taking her back to the common area, Bradley puts her down on one of the couches. 

"Are you sure you are okay?" He asks. 

"Yeah, I don't know why the G's really hit me today." 

"Yeah, I'm just glad you were able to wake up before the mountain." 

"me too me too." Placing her head on Bradley's thigh, Oakley can't help it as sleep overtakes her and she's out like a light in three minutes. 

Moving her head over, Bradley stands and walks over to the wall with pictures from every single class of pilots that flew with Top Gun. His eyes land on the picture from his dad's class. 

He smiles, looking at how happy Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw was to be there. Standing there right by his favorite Naval Aviator, Iceman and Maverick. He will never understand why the papers were pulled, why Maverick was only helping himself when the papers were pulled. It's not fair that Bradley hasn't gotten an answer. Sitting down, Bradley sighs. 

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