chapter six

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I have been practicing for the song I was going to do for the talent show that was taking place this Saturday; I was caught up on solving so many problems that I didn’t even know that it was so close. I was in my bedroom with Ramel who was constantly pinging away on his blackberry; I said something to him and he didn’t reply so I threw my pillow at him making his head jerk to the left, he looked up at me and screwed.

“What was that for!” he yelled rubbing his neck.

“I was talking to you and you didn’t reply, I just wanted to ask if you’ll be back stage when I’m singing because I don't want to do it without you there”

“Of course I’m going to be there, are you nervous?”

“Yeah, the college already consider me as a freak because I don't do what they do; I just want to prove them wrong”

“You ain’t a freak, your just different and I find that beautiful; are you hungry cause I am” he said standing up rubbing his belly and walking out the door.

He left his blackberry on the floor and I’m not that type of person to look at it because I know I wouldn’t like it if someone did that to me. I looked at my bible on my dresser and went to go grab it until I saw something flickering in the corner of my eyes. I looked towards the bright colours and saw it was Ramel’s phone indicating an incoming call from Angel.

I called out for Ramel but he never responded. I mentally kissed my teeth and picked up the phone from the floor and stared at it, my thumb lingered across the green bottom thinking whether to press it or not.

“Hello” a calm voice soothed through the speaker but loud enough for me to hear it not next to my ear.

I placed the phone next to my ear couple of seconds later and heard faint breathing from the other side of the line.

“Babe are you there?”

“Erm, sorry this ain’t Ramel, he is downstairs at the moment do you want me to pass the phone to him” I quietly said because I didn’t really know what to say.


I cut the phone on her and chucked the phone onto the floor. A presence was in front of me and I looked up to see a confused Ramel.

“Why did you chuck my phone on the floor” he said looking at his phone which was now apart.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to make the battery come out and erm your girlfriend called so I assume you have to see her today or something”

“OHH SHIT, yeah I do, it’s our anniversary today and she wanted me to spend time with her” he said as I watched him put his shoes on and reassemble his blackberry. He walked towards me and gave me a brief hug, he released me but I didn’t want him to stop, I felt so safe and loved something I hardly get from my family after all they are always busy.

I escorted him to the door and said o more I gave him a smile which he returned and watched him walk into the dark. I sang the song over and over again till I was pretty sure I remembered it.


I stood backstage watching the hall fill up with so many people and quite frankly I was shaking. Ramel was nowhere to be seen but luckily for me I was the last one to sing, people were looking at me with a facial expression reading ‘why are you here’ but tonight is the day where everything will change.

One by one people would go on stage and show the gifts God gave them no matter how small or big it was; my gift tonight is to sing and to show confidences something I have lacked since the age of 4.

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