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Sophie ran.

She didn't know where to, or what she was going to do, all she knew was that she had to run. If she didn't then something bad, very very bad was going to happen.

She was wearing black pants and a t-shirt with running shoes to help her get around easier and faster. She also had a black jacket her friend, Fitz, had once given her. She kept running, as she heard shouts and yells from behind. She, unfortunately, couldn't risk bringing anything, not even food or clothes just the ones she was wearing, even then she was planning to get rid of and replace them with what little money she had stashed in her pocket. For a 6-year-old she was very fast, all the games of base quest had paid off.

She wrapped her hand around the silver swan pendant necklace around her neck. It had an intricate design on it and on the bottom, it had a signature carved into it. Jolie. She knew it was dangerous to bring but she couldn't leave it, it was the last thing she had left of her elder sister before she disappeared and was pronounced dead. Even though her having it was a dead giveaway that she was the princess, she couldn't leave it.

The guards were fast but she had a few advantages against them, she was small and knew this forest like the back of her hand, after all, she practically grew up in it. She started to slow down as she saw a rock wall. She stayed there until the guards came. "It's over, princess, just come back." Sophie slowly turned around only to reveal a victorious smirk on her face.

She tilted her head to the side as she put her hands up. "Oh what do you mean, Sandor, nothing over yet" As soon as the words left her mouth she wiped around and grabbed a vine that was hanging, and somehow she shot up into the air and landed at the top. She stuck her tongue out at them and ran. She didn't stop until she crossed the border and entered another land. And from there the real story starts. 

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