Chapter 1: Johnny Conte's Next Job

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The universe is a vast place, filled with countless little things. These little things work like cogs to drive the whole of space and time like a machine, timeless in its age and flawless in its execution. Some of the little pieces find patterns in the unknowable expanse of cogs and gears, calling it destiny. Destiny, like every part in the machine of the universe, is a fickle thing, and when it chooses to act, it acts with the cruelty and coldness only a timeless force can. Destiny chose to act one fateful night, and forever change the lives of so many.

A woman stomped across a street, narrowly dodging a speeding car. Her temper roared louder than the engine, her fury shone brighter than the headlights. She didn't notice it, even after her close encounter with it. She was blinded by the rage of losing her job, and to her, the rage of her whole idea of life crashing down. She had stood up for justice, for the people in the world who couldn't stand up for themselves. So when the time came for her to stand up for someone nobody else would, she didn't hesitate.

But the system rules supreme, and one officer of the law standing up for someone it deems a threat is unacceptable. So she was cast out, her badge taken and her pride ran through the mud. Unfortunately for her, the fickle thing that is destiny chose her as its first victim, and being fired would not be the worst thing to happen to her that night.

"Good evening, ma'am." a smooth voice said behind her. She turned and saw a well dressed man standing under a streetlight. His face was covered by a masquerade mask with a crescent moon painted on it, most of his body was hidden by a large, finely made black coat. On his hands he wore fine white gloves, and the fingertips were stained pink with the distinct shade of washed blood. From behind his mask, long, well kept blonde hair fell down his back. He blocked her from the road, and from anyone who might see what was about to happen.

"Hello... sir." she replied, her hand moving inside her coat, towards a nine millimeter pistol she always kept with her. She was tense with anger, and this bastard had no idea that she was willing and able to put a round between his eyes. Or so she thought.

"Unfortunately, firearms will do you no good." the man said. "Though this will be more interesting if you try." The streetlight above the man shattered, cutting out all of the light in the alley. The woman drew her gun and fired, the muzzle flash casting out a brief glimpse of the world. The man was gone.

"The hell!" the woman said, quickly spinning around looking for him. But in the near total darkness of the alley, she could hardly see her own hands, let alone her attacker. The alleyway was filled with silky smooth, taunting laughter. "Now you see. You defended a man today, calling him innocent. Your superiors disagreed, because the man admitted to being a stand user." the man's voice seemed to come from all directions.

"What does that have to do with anything?" the woman shouted, her rage inside her being replaced with panic. She started to shake, her gun all the more useless because of it. The man laughed again, an eerie, almost soothing sound. "Nothing at all." he chided. "I only bring it up because it seems like you underestimate the power of a stand user who wants to kill."

The woman's heart dropped. Her mind tried its hardest to fight the panic, but all she could muster was a thin curtain to hide it. Although for her, that was all she needed. Her eyes began to adjust to the dark, enough to see the exits of the alley. She began slowly moving towards the far exit, hoping that the man was still by the broken street lamp.

He was not.

A thrown knife grazed the side of the woman's face, making a thin cut starting just under her ear. The throw was pinpoint precise, and it took a few seconds for the woman to even realize she'd been attacked. Blood from the cut welled up in a few small droplets, which slowly dripped down the side of her face.

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