Chapter 5: Call Out

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Johnny, Sam, and Polnareff looked out over the dock where Sam's yacht was floating. Sam beamed as the others looked at it in shock. Sam had made millions off of her adventures, and although she'd spent or gambled most of it away, she still had quite a bit of money in the bank.

"It's a shame those two aren't going to help out, but that's their loss. At least we managed to get the information we needed out of them." Sam said, not at all concerned that Polnareff was not paying attention. Johnny nodded, "I'm honestly surprised you're still sticking around too you know."

Sam raised her eyebrow, confused. "Why's that?" she asked as the three women stepped on board Sam's yacht. Polnareff immediately began looking around for food, and Sam pointed her to the stairs. "Kitchen downstairs, you can't miss it." she added.

Johnny continued as the two sat down on a couch on the upper deck, and Johnny squinted as the sun came out from behind a cloud. "Well, you're an adventurer or whatever, right? Some big shot thrill seeker? Why bother with all this when you could do so much more?" Johnny asked inquisitively, but Sam answered quickly. For Sam, it was hardly a question at all. "Simple. I've been doing adventures for several years now. You can only jump down so many 'bottomless' pits before it gets old. But this, the thrill of hunting an assassin, that's new, and for me, it sounds like fun."

Johnny sighed. She was glad to have such an enthusiastic ally, and Polnareff too, but she was nervous about this enemy. Lockheart told them about the assassin, everything he knew, and he left them with a warning.

"Pursuing William Watts is to pursue shadows. You will quickly find yourself running helplessly in the dark, while he watches and waits with a knife to your back."

Willam Watts. The name was wholly unfamiliar to Johnny, and yet she knew the name carried with it so many implications. Yet she had no idea to what extent, and she had no way of knowing that Watts' allies were far more numerous than she really thought.

Meanwhile, Atticus and Jimmy H. were waiting in their abandoned tech store. They had no idea what they were waiting for, but they were waiting. Destiny, the fickle machine that it is, demanded they wait, and for that reason they waited. Finally, what they were waiting for came to pass. Atticus' phone began to buzz.

He pulled it out of his pocket and turned it on, looking at the caller ID. "Who the hell would be calling at a time like this?" Jimmy H. asked, but Atticus didn't answer. He answered the call, and put the phone to his ear. Jimmy H. couldn't hear what was being said, but he could definitely see small tears gathering up in Atticus' eyes.

"Hello Dad. I know Mom would kill me if she knew I called you, and I honestly don't want to call you either, but I feel like you deserve to know. I got accepted into that med school I always talked about. I'm going to become a doctor, and make our family back the money your crimes cost us. I am going to undo the damage you did, and make right by our family. The-"

The call cut off as Atticus vanished into thin air. His phone clattered to the ground, the screen cracking. Jimmy H. dashed over and called Atticus' name, but there was no answer. One moment Atticus was there, the next he was gone.

To Atticus, the event happened very differently. The call cut off, and he heard a few beeps that he determined were morse code, but was not quick enough to make out. As he turned towards Jimmy H. to say something, Jimmy H. vanished, and all of the color drained from the world. Atticus' phone became stuck in place, hovering in the air.

"What the hell!?! Where is Jimmy H.? Where am I?" Atticus said out loud as he grabbed his phone with both hands and yanked on it, but it remained fixed in place, immovable. "Hazy Shade Of Winter!" Atticus yelled as his stand manifested and slammed its fist into the phone, but nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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