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"Sonic time to get up" Mario said shaking the sleeping blue hedgehog. "10 more minutes Mario....." Sonic groaned in the pillow. "Sonic come on man it's our first day in Vancouver and Kat will kill us if we're late. We're the mascots we have to be there on time" Mario said more sternly. "Ughhhhhh" Sonic whined and puts the over pillow over his head. "Ok I guess you'll miss out on Amy's hot chocolate she's bringing then" Mario smirked walking away. "AMYS HOT CHOCOLATE OH HECK YEAH!" Sonic jumps right up and gets ready dragging Mario out of their shared cabin to the stadium.

Once they arrive Sonic smiles seeing his beautiful girlfriend pouring her famous hot chocolate in a styrofoam cup for Knuckles and Peach. "Thanks Ames!" Peach smiled in her Olympic outfit. "Yeah thanks" Knuckles smiled and the two walk away talking. "Two more please and one lovely kiss on the side" Sonic smiled making her giggle. They kiss and she pours him and Mario their cups. "Enjoy guys!" She smiled. "It's your hot chocolate of course we will babe!" Sonic said before him and Mario walk away. "Damn you're in a very good mood" Mario said taking a sip of the sweet chocolate drink. Sonic looks over his shoulder and drags Mario to the side. "It's because I plan on asking Amy to marry me next week" Sonic smile and Mario's eyes widen with a smile. "That's awesome man" Mario said happy for his friend. "Yeah I know right!" Sonic smiled. The clicking of heels makes everyone stop talking and look at the blue and purple echidna walking up. "Good morning everyone today is the check off making sure everyone has arrived before we go over the opening cut scene. Now we are doing something different we will be doing a adventure course for certain gaming devices which will start in two weeks for now this week is to focus on getting everyone settled along with rooming and travel. So on with the opening cutscene we will begin that next Tuesday in the center of the stadium located down the hall. Lockers and locks have been assigned to you which you will grab on your way out. Do you all have any questions?" Katherine asked. Wario raises his hand. "Yes wario?" "What about free meals?" He asked snobbish making Mario and sonic roll their eyes. "As I stated back home all meals are fully paid for if you eat at a restaurant around the Olympic village. Anywhere outside of that you pay." She said sternly. "Alright if no one else has any questions feel free to look around or head back to your cabins. Meeting dismissed." She finished and walks over to Amy for some hot chocolate. "I'm definitely checking this place out tails smiled. "Wait I'm coming with you" Luigi said and they head down the hall. "Why am I not surprised" Daisy laughs. "Thank you Amy" Katherine smiles. "Any time Kat!" Amy smiled back cleaning up. "Hey Kat" Knuckles asked walking up. "Yeah?" "Well since there's more time want to head to that Thai place?" Knuckles asked. "Sure and maybe we can head back to my cabin for a little private one on one team bonding~" she winks and traces her finger on his chest as she walks away. "God I love that woman" he chuckles and follows her. "Hey Shadow you gonna stay?" Mario asked. "Not this time I want to go back to bed." Shadow said and leaves. "I think I'll do the same" Mario said. "Well I'm gonna run around a bit see ya back at the cabin Sonic smiles. He gives Amy a kiss and runs off to find the perfect place to purpose to Amy.
He comes up to a frozen river which is surrounded by sparkly white snow. "Now this is a beautiful spot but it's no- hey what's that?" Sonic said and walks over to the mysterious glow under the snow. He starts dusting and digging through the snow seeing a ruby amulet. "Wow..." he said and picks it up.  The glows brighter blinding him making him drop it. As Sonic was being blinded by the sudden light color of the ruby fades into his skin and crawls throughout his body.

"At long last~ a new puppet to cause trouble with. I can't wait to mess with his mortal life~"

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