Spying on Sonic

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Amy calls Knuckles and Mario and told them what had just happened. She informed them that she knows Sonic's sudden behavior is caused by something or someone. They meet up with her and tails at her and peaches cabin. "Ok so let's recap last night you all were laughing one second he froze and next thing you know it he dumped his drink on knuckles. Then he was sweet and kind earlier and the next he's yelling accusing me of cheating and tails betraying and him flipping our table." Amy said tapping her finger on her lip wondering. "That sounds unlike sonic" peach said placing a tray of hot tea and snacks on the coffee table. "She's right this is strange..." Knuckles agrees. "So what do we do?" Mario asked. "Easy we spy on him" peach said.

Mario gets back to the cabin and leaves Sonic's window unlocked. Mario heads back to his room and texts tails the window is unlocked. After Sonic falls asleep Mario sends tails another text and tails opens the unlocked window quietly. Tails walks over to Sonic's wallet and places a micro tracker inside a unused pocket. After that tails shoots the others a text that it's in his wallet. Before he leaves he notices a grey amulet and grabs it before climbing out the window.

The next morning Mario got the first shift since he is sharing a place with Sonic. Sonic for some reason seemed loose like a rag doll as he walked around the cabin. Mario sends his findings to the others then it was Knuckles's turn. Knuckles follows Sonic and saw him buying stuff for his purposal to Amy. "Definitely doesn't remember what he just said." Knuckles thought. When the light hits sonic he noticed a few sparkling thin lines attached to his wrist and ankles. "The hell?" He texts the others his discovery before he switches out with Amy.
Amy continues her part but once she saw something flash in Sonic's eyes she knew she was right. Sonic returns back to his cabin leaving everyone to gather at Amy's.

"Ok I'm officially confused here..." Mario said. "Walking around like a rag doll and strings? Are you suggesting he's a puppet?" Peach asked. "If so wouldn't you need a puppeteer?" Knuckles asked. "Perhaps this might have something to do with everything we discovered so far." Tails said placing the amulet in the middle of the table. "What is that a diamond?" Amy asked. "No it's a ruby" tails said. Everyone looks at their genius friend thinking he's lost it. "Let me explain before you guys protest" Tails said as Daisy and Luigi walk in. "Hey guys what's going on in...... here...." Daisy sees the amulet. "WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT?!" They both yelled surprising everyone." "It was with Sonic in his room." Tails said. "Please tell us when you found this it was red...." Luigi asked and to their horror tails shook his head. "Daisy..." "I'm already on it I'll grab the gear" she said leaving. "What's going on here?" Peach asked.

"Sonic has been possessed as a mortal puppet for the Theater Demon Zethera."

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