Death Threat?

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Porschay P.O.V

Love is complicated. That day when P Kim broke up with me it was not only about love but also about trust. He broke my trust.
I was walking down on stairs when i saw P Kinn, P Porsche and Khun Korn going towards office in a hurry and P Porsche was holding a letter. Is it for me again? They didn't notice me so i decided to follow them. When i went towards office i saw door was open slightly, so i was able to hear them properly " Their is a letter again?"Khun Korn asked to any two of them "Yes Khun Korn" my brother answered slowly "Any information about , who is behind this?" Someone sighed and answered " No pa we are trying to find but there are no clue" P Kinn was the one who answered this time "We don't have much time try to find out that person. Till then be carefull Nong Chay should not find about it. Now give me the letter." Saying that i heard silence for few moments then their was sound of drawer opening and closing and then sound of metal and then opening of other drawer opening and closing. Then i heard some footsteps and i knew they are coming outside so i hide beside big flower pot which was place outside the office and to my luck three of them went opposite side of me. When they were far away from office i secretly went inside and opened the drawer which was unlocked and took key from it and opened the drawer which was locked from that key and yes i found them. Their were those letters, once i found them i decided to take a look when i opened those letters i was shocked to read what was written inside.
This is for Porschay. You have to pay for what you did to my son. I will make sure to kill you. The war is just started at the end of war you will be dead. Yes I'm going to kill you. Enjoy last days of your life.
-Your death
After reading these letters i know why they don't wanted me to find out about them. These are death threats for me someone want me dead but Who? Without any other thought i decided to leave as soon as possible so i put everything as it was before, and left. While leaving i saw P Kinn and P Porsche going somewhere together in their car. Maybe leaving for some mafia work? I decided to go in my room.

Porsche P.O.V
I and kinn come outside for some mafia work but it was done before then i thought . So i decided to visit Nong Chay school and try to find out about what actually happened one year ago.
Here i am standing in front of my brother's school and to my luck i saw his friend Nong Toh at the entrance of building. "Nong Toh" i called his name so he looked at me and greeted polietly so i greeted him back "Swadee nong" i hesitated as how to tell him and i think he noticed it "P you can ask anything you want, you don't need to hesitate." I looked at him and sigh "I want to know about what happened with my brother one year ago. Can you tell me?" I think he understood what i was talking about he looked around and asked me and kinn to talk in cafeteria so we nodded. We ordered coffee and i asked him to talk "Now can you tell me everything?" he nodded and started talking "Well it is not exactly one year ago but one year and one month ago when he met a singer in our school fresher year he was his great fan, so he asked him to be his singing teacher at first he declined but because of some reason he said yes after 2 days. Then he started going for his singing lesson he was very happy and from what i noticed i think they were in relationship even though chay never told me but i can see it from his face, but.....after one week everything changed when he came school he was different i think they broke up he changed his hair color went for clubbing and stopped singing it feel like he started hating music and i think person behind his change was his music teacher." After he was done speaking i was shocked because of information i got my brother suffered so much and i didn't knew anything. " Do you know anything about that teacher?" I asked Nong Toh for his name "I don't know much but his name is P Wik, P now i should leave i have class." i nodded and he left. Then i looked at Kinn "He was suffering so much and i didn't knew anything think. How can i be so careless?"he also looked at me worriedly and hugged me "No you were not careless. Don't worry everything will be okay."Then we decided to go home.

Porschay P.O.V
Its already been 3 days sonce i found out about those death threats. I don't know who is behind all this. I am trying to find out about them but i can't get any information about them. I was going towards dinning table when i saw some people coming through hall way and called me "Nong Chay we found this guitar in you previous house. Take it." I looked at guitar and then again at that person "Chay this it not the guitar which i gave you, whose guitar is this?" P Porsche asked me "Oh this guitar my guitar teacher gave it to me." i answered and smiled when i saw his face getting emotionless and then he smiled back, when khun korn said something "Nong Chay i heard your voice is beautiful. Can you sing for me?" I don't want to sing "Khun Korn i don't sing anymore." I looked at him coldly "I know but can you sing few lines. Please?" He kept insisting and i think refusing him again is not a good idea so i said "Okay" i went towards single sofa and took a seat their with guitar "Only few lines okay?" I said and saw everyone nodding. I closed my eyes and started singing.

Everything melts when we're close
Can't stop,my heart will explode.
Has drifted away you make my heart flutter,
I can't stand it, I've to say everything that's on my mind.
But it crashes every time.
It's busy like that.
While singing i was thinking about thise beautiful moments with P Kim.
When the time come, i really didn't dare.
There are billions of words in my heart.
If i keep them, I'll go crazy for a day.
So i collect words of love.
The overflowing words in my heart.
That's the song i want to give you.
Compiled from the voice of the heart.
Baby do you hear me?
This love song belong only to you and,
This song is called you.
Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana

After finishing song when i opened my eyes i saw P Kim standing their. He looked at me emotionally. He kept staring at me and i also kept staring at him when a voice bring back to earth and we both looked away " You really have a nice voice" khun korn complemented "Thank you" i smiled "Nong is this new song i never heard of it before?" I sighed and said "Actually i wrote this song. My music teacher told me to write a love song." Everyone nodded and i left to keep this guitar inside my room

Kim P.O.V
I was going down when i heard someone singing and i know who is it so i went downstairs and saw my love singing song. Song which he wrote for me i never thought he will sing it again. He was closing his eyes. When he ended his song he opened his eyes and his eyes met mine. We both kept looking at each other. I will never forget for what he did for me and i think it's time for me to something for him. When he left for his room i also left from their.
' Everything will be okay soon my love' i thought and left from their.

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