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A long check list,

Enlisted all the things that seems too impossible to fulfill

A places to go, a stuff to do, a food to be eaten and a things to experience,

Before stepping out of the line.

I put a check mark on the box.

I'm already halfway and almost done.

I signed in relief,

For I still have a lot of unfinished tasks on the list.

I am scared, I was really.

To finish all the things I listed in this small black notes.

For I know I can't take my words back.

I left no choice, already

And sold my broken soul to the darkness.

To escaped from these vain than I'm born to suffered with.

But I know I might be freed temporarily.

And just the thought of accomplishing it, my anxiety started to devoured me.

For, honestly I don't wanted to die.

A peace of mind is what I craved for,

To breathe with hopes not with suffocations.

To live with purposes not only to exist.

But to live like being alive and sane.

How I Died [Selected Poem] Where stories live. Discover now