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a/n -> unprompted and unedited fluff which i wrote at 2am last night even though i had work at 9am because i suddenly realised i'd never written any boyfriend!steven and that had to change


'Are you going to answer that or what?'

Annoyance flares inside you; you close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose in an attempt to calm yourself. It's a good job you're facing the wall and not Taylor, your friend and colleague, lest they see the exasperation written across your face.

'I'm just reading over these reports a sec. It can go to answerphone,' you reply, not deigning to turn around and face Taylor. You like them a lot, but you really don't know if you can stand the sight of their face right now, and it might sound harsh but overtime means that you've been here for nearing eleven hours, and you're done.

Instead you glance sideways at the phone which you're ignoring, and have been for the last three calls. It stops ringing as you look at it as though it can sense the weariness in your gaze. Thank you, you acknowledge it silently.

You glare back at the reports you'd been reading over, and the phone starts ringing again.

'Christ,' Taylor exclaims, and before you can do anything to stop them they're across to your desk and sitting on it, then picking up the phone and answering it.

'Taylor,' you hiss, dropping your pen into your lap and pressing your palms to your forehead.

'Helloo?' Taylor says into the phone, smiling sweetly into the middle distance over the top of your head. You lean back in your chair and accept your fate. If it's your boss you're both going to be in so much trouble.

'It's Taylor,' Taylor says, clearly in response to whoever is on the line asking who might be speaking. They say it as though it's perfectly normal for them to be answering your work number.

'What? No, she's fine. Unless you count the fact that she's actually dying of boredom,' Taylor jokes, smiling at you, and you find yourself marvelling at their spirit which never seems to waver, even eleven hours into a shift. You offer up a weak smile in return, letting your hands fall back into your lap.

'Yes, I suppose so,' Taylor says, before holding the phone out to you. 'It's your boyyfriendd-'

'Hello?' you say, snatching the phone abruptly from Taylor's grasp. They laugh and jump off your desk, returning to their own to give you some privacy.

'Hey love,' Steven says, and it's as though his voice is a sort of verbal release for all the tension you're carrying, which, at present, is a lot of tension. Your shoulders drop and you're forced to unclench your jaw as you smile at the sound of his voice, your chair creaking in protest as you slump into it further.

'Hi,' you say, your voice audibly softer than before.

'That's better. I could feel you frownin' down the phone,' he says, and you laugh through your nose.

'Sorry,' you apologise, bringing two fingers up to massage your right temple.

'Don't be. Long day? I've been tryin' to call,' he says, and your heart clenches with guilt.

'Yeah, I'm sorry, if I'd known it was you...'

'It's okay, I figured you were busy. D'you know when you'll be home?'

You look back to the report you'd been reading, and then to the stack of paperwork you've yet to get through, considerably smaller than it was a few hours ago but sizeable nonetheless, and sigh.

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