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"Kiss me. Write your name in my mouth and fill my lungs with your breath make this heart beat again, Bring this body back to life ."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


His breath hitched in his throat as he watched her walk through the halls effortlessly. 

Seeing her, Breathing her air, Being in her line of view made him feel?

He couldn't place why she had such a grip on his every move.

He had it made up in his mind that he would never see her again.

She looked at him. 

She saw him.

She sees him.

She wasn't scared.

She didn't judge.

She helped him.

She healed him on that one miserable day.

She tended to his wounds. 

She didn't ask questions.

She genuinely cared.

Her vibrant brown skin.

Her Legs.

Her lips.

Her eyes.

Her hips.

Her curves.

Her eyes.

Her hair.

Her hands.

Her personality.

That one day- Those three hours-

A chance encounter that would never happen again.

All he could do was thank god that he was able to experience her presence.

He hated physical touch.

But he wanted her delicately soft hands.

He wanted her hands to feel around his beaten and battered skin.

He wanted her hands to feel his scars.

The scars that littered his broad shoulders.

Scars on his face.

Scars on his chest.

Scars on his back.

The scars he knew only she could heal.

She was like the sun.

So vibrant.

So breathtakingly euphoric.

Her smile was contagious.

Her entire being made him believe that happiness was real.

That she could love someone like him.

With his past. 

Was it Impossible? 

For such a beautiful to fall in love with a beast.

Little did he know.

She wanted him.

She needs him to be.

Her Beast.

Her Beast

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