Chp. 4

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The mirror stood right in front of him, and while he was oblivious of its existence, started to change with a clanging sound. That caught his attention.
    "Wait. Wait. No-", Qiu barely mouthed before a figure came into view under the glass structure.
    Tall and poised as ever, he was staring right back. The man with a curious red robe, adorned with jewelry and a silk sash looped around the waist. Golden earrings studded with precious metals on his ears, Qiu knew exactly who it was.
Geng Yijun stared back at him, a static image.
    "Why? I thought you hated me?", He figured it must have been some mistake. "Gongzhi it's not you! I thought we made a promise!"
    Even though Qiu wanted to stare at the reflection in the mirror for a longer period, the image slowly started to dissipate back into nothing.
"RuoRuo....RuoRuo!! We're gonna be late!", a high pitched voice squealed into Qiu's ears.
Ah, he couldn't forget about the clan meeting.
"I'm sorry A-Ching, what time is it?", Qiu groaned.
"Late enough! Ruo, what kind of dream were you having?! You were tossing around like crazy, I almost called Shifu over to see if you were possessed!"
That made sense, because the dream in question was a frightening cultivation adventure. It was definitely not based on a certain someone's life.
"Just go. I'll be there. Don't wait any longer or you know who's coming to knock our door down." Qiu sighed. Ching closed the sliding door and tip-toed away to the lecture hall.
    The Shining Gardens of Geng reserve were the most luxurious and taxing training outlets of the modern times. It was the location for many events in Geng history, including the crowning of the current clan leader, Geng Xuefeng. Although prestigious, Shining Gardens accepted hundreds of disciples each year, and they seemed to multiply after the last had graduated. Qiu was one of them (so was Ching, but that doesn't matter). The only reason he was even allowed to step foot in Shining Gardens was because of a recommendation letter. In a previous year, he performed healing magic on the sick and wounded for no cost, and that caught someone's eye. Yes, the one and only Geng Kang! He was a hearty fellow at the time, and with that heartiness came the alcoholism of a sick dog. After drinking his fill, Kang passed out on the side of a street, only to be awoken by some scrawny kid using his qi to clean up the puke laying next to him. You can imagine the belly laughter that comes after awakening that memory in Geng Kang's mind.
    Still drenched in the morning scent, Qiu stood up rather abruptly.
    "Gosh. I wonder if I'll get punished for this. Huh."
    If he were any greater degree of idiot, Qiu would've just outright apologized. Not him. He swooshed out of the room, not in any apparent haste.
    The sun was shining through the cracks in the ceiling and small finches chirped near them. The corridor was stretched out before Qiu, beckoning him to follow the path. He knew what was waiting for him in Shifu's study, but it'd happened enough times to become routine. It was so bad that any day was a possibility of being expelled for not caring about school, which was definitely reasonable. Long mats of woven silk adorned the ground, making each step feel lighter than the last. Streaky patterned wood covered each sliding door and crevasse, leaving no space for imperfection. These formalities would never impress Qiu, since he always wondered about the characters before the actual show. In some ways, it was good to see through wealth, but it was useless to him at that point.
    He kind of wished that it was any other morning, since clan meetings were a week to week occasion. Never specified, always last minute due to a certain someone's terrible time management skills (cough cough Madam Jie cough cough). You mustn't wonder why they agreed to let her do planning like this, but Kang was too immersed in sucking up to Xuefeng to earn more credits. He was too busy anyways. It would've made more sense to Qiu if they'd just let up and cancel these meetings, they really didn't stand for anything other than the basic "be nice, your cousins are coming over '' kinda stuff.
    "It's like some sort of torture! Why must you be working all the time Jiejie~? Please just figure something out before I go mad!~", the sound of a man's voice echoed around the corner.
    "Will you shut up Zhou? I am not your Gege?! Go ask Yijun if you're crying to me about this...." an even grimmer voice snapped back.
    Qiu tucked his face into the shawl he had on his brow, just shielding his glorious identity from someone who looked way too familiar when passing by him.
    "Well that spooked me." Qiu nonchalantly blurted out, catching the attention of Long Zhou, who was passing by with none other than Geng Dai...
    "Do I know you? You sound like someone I might be acquainted with." Long Zhou turned around to look at Qiu, who was trembling with spite. Why did he need to interrupt my walk?!
    "No...." Qiu mumbled back.
    "Fine then, be that way, but I'm gonna have to get a good look at you to make sure you're not a spy..." Zhou curiously replied.
    "Let's not do that. We have private study in less than half incense time. Wouldn't want to be late again, right Zhou?, Dai complained.
    "Don't you start with me!! Fine. I'm coming back over your highness." Zhou irritatedly shot back.
Wow. After all of that, he didn't even have to worry. It looked like the gods were on Qiu's side at that moment.
     Qiu resumed his solemn trek towards imminent punishment. How many lashes would it be this time? Ah, last time it was far too many to count....he despondently turned the corner. In front of his last turn, was a dead end, aka the last door in the building. The large study, aka the place where important people met to discuss important matters (The Benevolent Hall of Superb Importance, as the slackers titled it).
    Certainly somewhere to be, but this time it was deathly silent. Qiu slid the door open, expecting to see Shifu sitting at his study. He was not there.
    "Hey, anyone in he-"
    The loud sound of a book falling off of the shelf hushed Qiu. Voices were able to be heard.
    "Yijun..." a female voice whispered.
    "Shhh, don't be so loud. I think that no one's here right now, so tell me what you were going to, won't you?" Yijun demanded.
    Qiu, dumbfounded at whatever was going on, immediately yelled "SORRY TO DISTURB YOU??" and sprinted so fast out of there that he couldn't even listen for a reply.
    AAH! My ears will never be pure again! Someone save me please!
    Geng Kang, who was passing by in the hallway, saw Qiu rushing past.
    "HEY! Where do you think you're going, brat?!", He blurted out.
    There was no better sanctuary than getting slapped by a wooden spoon instead of the office incident. With his nose gradually getting longer, Qiu replied, pinnochio faced,
    "Oh boy! I sure am sorry that I didn't wake up on time! Anything is fine, sir!?"
    Kang gave him the look of "Wtf are you doing", but continued to scold him until the sun went down, eventually leaving Qiu to reflect in the garden area.
    "Well that hurt...emotionally and spiritually....", Qiu mumbled, face down in the pure white gravel.
    All was silent in the courtyard. Not a single breath was noticeable, and the cooing sounds of rosefinches huddling together under the roof tiles were able to be heard, not masked by the sound of scurrying disciples. The quietness was peaceful, and since Qiu had never had a day of rest in his life, one option stuck out to him: he should sleep! Even with the pearly white sand dusting his teeth, it was a grand idea at least!
    "What are you doing here?" a voice suddenly spoke to him.
    Qiu pretended to be dead.
    "I'm sorry but you need to move...." they seemed pretty rushed.
    Qiu rose from the sandy prison and dusted his knees off, "Why should I? Is there any reason that prevents me from lying in reflection at such an hour?" he angrily remarked.
    While the other person was silent, Qiu thought that he had broken free from whomever that was, so he plopped back into the sand. Footsteps were discernible, but Qiu must've been asleep already because he did not hear them. But then again, something did wake him up......and that "thing" was the breath of someone standing over him.
    "AAAAHHHG-" Qiu screamed, just barely getting cut off from a hand shoved in his direction.
    "Silent! Shufu is taking his rest right now, you want to die?" Geng Yijun growled.
    Qiu, not wanting to die, kindly shut up.
    "Keep this a secret, but I wasn't actually doing whatever it is you thought I was earlier. A handmaid was having some troubles and I thought she was trying to get with me, so I was being a little demanding. Sorry if that scared you...." Geng Yijun apologized, making the most perfect "I'm not guilty" puppy eyes that Qiu had ever seen.
    "Fine, but you have to give me the answers for our next exams....and your leftover congee at lunch, I noticed you never finish it." Qiu huffed, obviously trying to get something out of this.
    "Okay." Yijun blankly accepted.
    So things were shaping up! Qiu was ecstatic, since Yijun was the top disciple when it came to practice and lectures!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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