The Quarterback is a Whore

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CW! THIS ONESHOT CONTAINS A LOT OF SMUT AND MAURIJUANNA USE (there will be a warning when this comes into play). PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS.


All characters are in their twenties and in college :))

This fanfic is a republish from AO3. It didn't get very many reads so I'm hoping it'll do better here! My AO3 account name is NeilEatsRaccoons if you wanna check it out!!


Imagine being an unpopular kid with two very popular friends.

George Davidson wasn't all too popular. In fact, he wasn't popular at all. But that was his own fault. He preferred to have a smaller group of friends, and mostly stuck around Dream and Sapnap.

Dream, or Clayton Adams, was the star quarterback of their college football team, as well as the captain. In his free time he'd go to the programming club with George, and together they'd work on projects.

Sapnap, or Nicholas Armstrong, was a football player as well. A linebacker, and a childhood friend of Dream's. He often enjoyed browsing the manga section in book stores with his boyfriends Karl and Alex, and liked to attend parties with Dream and George.

Let's cut to the chase. George had feelings for Dream. He had ever since they'd met in their first year of college (they were currently in their third). They did everything together. George would do almost everything for Dream, so that's why he was sitting in the back of Saps stupid car while Dream played music from the aux and sap sung along. They were on their way to a party. George hated parties. He'd rather have a get together with close friends and drink a couple of cheap beers while blasting some random k-pop band and recreating the choreography badly. But of course, people don't always get their way.

He was on his phone, bobbing his head to the music silently. He was deep in thought. He was going just so he had an excuse to spend more time with Dream. He typically despised public spaces, but like I said, he'd do anything for Dream.


Sapnap, who'd been driving the car, glanced over at Dream. "Y'know..your music taste sucks..where are we even going, by the way? You haven't told me." He huffed, gripping the wheel a lil.

Dream rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his blonde hair. "It doesn't suck- you were just humming to it! And we're going to that creepy looking abandoned house." He looked around, scanning his surroundings. "We're almost there. Just shut up and make a left here then park."

Once parked, the three men piled out of the car and headed to the house, which had been surrounded by cars and drunk college students looking to get laid. The faint sound of thumping music could be heard from outside. Dream and George subconsciously stuck next to each other, taking their time to get to their destination while Sap quickly headed into the house.

Once inside, George immediately looked around, scanning to see how many people were there, and if any of them were close friends. The house was surprisingly pretty nice looking on the inside considering it looked really shitty outside. He noticed a few people that they were all close to. Q, Karl, Bad, Skeppy, Wilbur, and couple of others, but George didn't leave Dreams side. Dream walked around and talked to his football friends about the game they'd previously won that day while George silently followed along. He stayed quiet and stared down at his phone, not wanting to disrupt Dreams fun.

While Dream was talking, George caught a glimpse of a pink paper crumpled into a ball on the floor. He crouched down to pick it up and unfolded it. He read through it, eyebrows raised. A pamphlet for the cheer squad. He huffed and rolled his eyes, about to drop it onto the floor until a "genius" thought came to mind.

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