Pure Love

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She raised her arm with the elongated claw fingers, stared into the spotlights and felt her chest about to explode. The screams of worship from the people in front of her and all around made the tiny hairs on her arms stand up. The sweat made the jacket she was wearing rub against the skin on her shoulders, the latex leotard was digging up her crack and her muscles ached but she felt like she still could go on and on running on the euphoric feeling pulsating through every inch of her body.

It wasn't the flames that surrounded her that made her feel the most warmth. Standing there, absorbing the love from the audience, she was already recharging. It was like they were all touching her with their voices. Eventually she walked off the stage and when she turned around and the screams got louder she started to smile. She met her team backstage and walked straight into Bobby's arms and put her head against his shoulder. The tears built up behind her eyelids and she swallowed hard.

"You did it. You fucking rockstar!" His arms were tight around her and his voice muffled, but she could hear that he both laughed and smiled.

"We did it, Bobby." She let him go and screamed while they high fived with both hands. Her musicians walked past and she made sure to address every single one of them. "Hey Tim, that guitar was on fire tonight. Like literally! And Jonny, I swear to god you're gonna get famous one day." She winked. "Man, I felt like my pants would fly off, Chris. And NO, no, don't go there!" She laughed and pointed at her drummer.

"Good job, everyone. Let's do it AGAIN!" She jumped on the spot like she didn't know what to do with herself. Her hair was damp, she could barely see anything but she bumped fists and gave hugs left and right.

"I'm so sorry, the end was a bit... OK, they gonna complain about that... but who the fuck turned the lights on?" Thin walls separated her from the fans and when the lights went on and she heard the screams die out she felt an emptiness that left her mind completely blank for two seconds before she stumbled into her dressing room and met the rest of her team. All wide smiles and blushing from the excitement of taking part in the event.

She sank down to the floor in a squatting position while she still heard the voices screaming inside her head. She hid her face in her palm and bit her lip. Eventually she felt several hands on her back, touching her and checking on her.

"I'm OK, I'm just... I can't- I'm so full I-, I'm just so full of... this is so... It's cathartic. I'm so grateful to be here. It's just pure love..."

A familiar pair of soft hands on her shoulders brought her to her feet. She met Michael's warm gaze. Her boyfriend smiled at her. "You're a powerhouse! You killed it." His eyes were full of admiration and relief. "I love you."

He had had silent doubts that she was up for tonight when he saw her before the show. Her face had suddenly been blank and she looked numbed, when she had shown so much determination for weeks. Worked harder than he ever seen her do, going on for hours getting every little detail right. She was gonna put her name out there and there was no room for mistakes. She truly was a woman in charge and he was so turned on by it.

"Babe," she said and tilted her head to the side. They kissed softly and she tasted of salty sweat on her upper lip. She opened her mouth and their tongues met. He raised his hand to her face and caressed her cheek. His fingers got tangled in the damp hairs on her temple. She broke the kiss and leaned back to look at him again.

"How was it? How did it look?" she whispered. Her eyes searched Michael's gaze and he noticed how they seemed matte brown with the completely black eyelids instead of the lively green he was used to. She squinted at him and showed some evidence of being tired now, like the aftermath of jumping around on stage while trying to breathe and sing had finally caught up with her. She had really given her all on the stage and it had been good for her. She was stunning, fierce and unlike anyone he ever met. Her wet lips glittered when she eventually smiled and her teeth showed.

"I'm jealous," he chuckled. "They love you." He ran his hands down her narrow back. "I miss having my baby for myself."

She giggled deep down her throat and deep lines by her cheeks appeared. "Tonight it'll be just you and me taking care of each other."

Their heads were close together so no one could hear them exchanging little words of love. He felt her breath against his chin as she spoke and her lips touched his when she whispered his name and softly nudged him to excite him.

"All night," she said quietly.

"And those lips?" he asked.

"Anywhere you want them," she replied and closed her eyes.

He moved his hands down to her waist and she pressed herself against him. He felt her clammy, warm skin when he reached her butt instead of the latex and moved his hands up to her shoulders. She made herself even smaller inside his arms and rested her face against his neck. Feeling her warm breaths on his skin as she kissed his collarbones and placed her hands on his chest. She smiled at him and reluctantly let him go to get out of her clothes and make up.

"I think I dislocated two toes in the middle of Stupid Love," she said as her thigh high boots were pulled off her feet when she eventually sat down.

"Why?" Bobby asked.

"I can't feel them." She let out a nasal mischievous laughter.

She loved seeing everyone so happy and elevated. Everyone congratulating each other, words of encouragement and hearing them say things like "biggest night of my life, super grateful, amazing, couldn't grasp it, had to let it sink in" and her heart felt like it was speeding in her chest again. So many happy people. What else could she ask for? She was dying for a massage and a shower. Her energy levels were slowly sinking, and it was past midnight. She was laughing and crying in turns.


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