the start of discovering a new me

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             Normal-Jennette point of view
             "." - when a character talk
             {.} - when they are in there thoughts
             Bold - 3rd party/author point of view

I.. I my hands tremble while covering my mouth as i eardrop tears stream down eyes wide as i continue to listen on uncle and the guy his with to only find out his my biological father "sighh it's not working she just can't pull it off" "there's no need to rush roger time will come... Time will come she will be useful to us not now but soon" "you visiting her at night when she's asleep isn't helping at all" "i know what I'm doing plus you can't blame me for that she's still my daughter after all" my legs tremble as i continue to listen on them {i want to leave but i want to know more} i continue listening to them even if it hurt so much i don't  even know why it hurt so much maybe I'm to sensitive for this "sooner I'll be getting back what's supposed to be mine, Claude has been to comfortable with the emperor title on him did he forgot who that title originally belongs to and how he got that" i listen in shock {so his majesty is not my real father and the emperor's title doesn't originally belongs to him but to my father?!} while i was lost in thought i heard a sighh and my focus went back to the 2 men's inside the room "anyway that girl the princess she's getting in our way to much any plan for her?" {no way The princess!? What are they gonna do to the princess} " I don't know for now but I'm  sure we could use her against Claude in the near future" "it's getting late i have my schedules tomorrow" "i take that as i should leave" that's my signal to run back fast as possible to my room without getting caught lucky for me there's not as much maid left wondering at this time of the night they're probably asleep. I reach my room closed the door quietly as possible i leaned my back at the door as my legs slowly gave out ending me to sat on the floor {i can't believe it, i  can't believe this is happening my.. My uncle and biological father was just using me} tears streaming down rapidly as i wipe it with my cold hands {all my life all my life i thought Uncle cared about me letting me live here providing me with my everyday needs i thought b..but no!  His lying it's all a lie!! He even lied to me about his majesty being my father....  M-my real father was behind that door he was so close yet i can't see him i don't even know what he looks like} i slowly got up and went to my bed I'm  so tired my eyes is sore with all the crying but i couldn't care less everything was to much for me to take all at ones I'm  just a weak girl after all i.. i just want to sleep { maybe this is all a dream and when i wake up everything will be back normal again} minutes later my eye slowly drafted away.
Before anastacuis left he went to check on his daughter only to see her asleep "your getting soft anas" the spirit inside of him said "shut up carax" the spirit only laugh lowlyn anas was annoyed but his focus went back to his daughter {now Jennette what will you do will you stay here and just ignore what you heard or your finally getting out of your comfort zone} while roger and anas was talking he could feel someone listening behind the door and that familiar energy definitely was definitely his daughter, he looked at roger to confirm if he noticed but look like he didn't seems to notice a thing he let Jennette listen he doesn't know why but he let her listen... After a minutes of silence the spirit spoke up "you know we can't stay here forever that White hair guy would definitely throw a tantrum when he knows" "i know that" and with that anas looked at her daughter one last time and left the minor.

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