before the tea party

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             Normal-Jennette point of view
             "." - when a character talk
             {.} - when they are in there thoughts
             Bold - 3rd party/author point of view

{I woke up quiet early maybe because I'm excited?, i should get out of bed} i was about to get out of bed when i heard a knock on the door {it must be rose} "come in" rose entered bowed to me "good morning my lady I'll be preparing your bath where do you want to eat your breakfast?" i answered with "good morning rose to the balcony" "very well I'll tell the others to prepare your breakfast" rose left to tell the other maid while she wasn't here i decided to pick what I'm going to wear mostly rose and aunt rosaria
Hehe they both have similar name} Jennette giggled {so umm what fit would i wear} Jennette look at ger wardrobe picking a dress that fit her taste after looking at the dress 1 by 1 she found a dress that she would wear on the princess tea party

{found it of course this is for later I'll  just wear a normal dress for now} rose came back and prepare her bath few minutes tha bath was ready rose help her undress "umm rose you could wait outside i can bath my self" rose didn't reply but just ...

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{found it of course this is for later I'll  just wear a normal dress for now} rose came back and prepare her bath few minutes tha bath was ready rose help her undress "umm rose you could wait outside i can bath my self" rose didn't reply but just bowed her head slightly Jennette entered the bathroom {it's kinda awkward for someone to help me bath now} she entered the tab {sighh this is so relaxing} few minutes has past Jennette was still ij the tab she fell asleep for a little while, when she got out rose already prepared her clothes the maid Help Jennette change when they were done Jennette headed to the balcony to eat her breakfast she sat there watching the View while waiting for her breakfast later the other maid arrive with her breakfast they left her to eat Jennette was peacefully eating her breakfast when a bird came to her Jennette giggle and extended her arm the little bird landed on her finger she got some of her breakfast and her it to the little bird in exchange the little bird sang her a soft melody when the bird was done it flew of Jennette wave good bye to the little thing hopping it would visit her again. When Jennette was done the maid cleaned the table and pick up her breakfast Jennette decided to spend her time on the library.
Jennette saw a ladder on the other side she drag it to the another shelf she climbed up picking a book she wanna read when she pick the book that took her interest it was a book about herbs but when she was about to get down she
Stumble and fell down but before her body fell on the groun a figure catch her is wasn't a successful catch though the both landed on the floor but Jennette was lying on top of the figure "are you okay Jennette?" Jennette opened her eyes "ijekiel??!" she quickly stand up and help ijekiel "are you okay?  I'm so sorry and when were you here" "i was also asking you that question and yes I'm okay how about you?, i was here before you entered"
"I'm also okay thanks to you but how did u know i was here?" "i heard someone draging the ladder so i went here to see the i saw you falling down, you should be more careful Jennette" "okay ijekiel I'm so sorry" "it's okay by the way don't you have tea with the princess?" "ahh yes later I'm going to the palace later" "mhh okay then enjoy your reading Jennette I'm going now" Jennette noded her haid with a smile on her face "okay kiel bye and thank you again" ijekiel left the library leaving Jennette alone she continued reading to pass some time.

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