a walk with you

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              Normal-Jennette point of view
             "." - when a character talk
             {.} - when they are in there thoughts
             Bold - 3rd party/author point of view

Slowly opened my eyes i didn't get up yet just stared at the ceiling {i still couldn't believe what happened last night was it all true?} a moment of silence until Jennette finally decided to get up she went into the miror and met with her fragile body {my eyes are sore i.. I guess it's true then} she lowered her head when realization hit her {oh i have to get change the maid aren't here yet ... It's  not surprising anymore i guess they're tired and over sleep, well it doesn't matter i can take care of myself I'm  used to it.} with that Jennette pick an outfit she will be wearing for today, Jennette quickly headed to the bathroom to wash. Minutes has past she was all done that's when the maid arrived "good morning my lady"  {she didn't even bothere to explain why she was late} Jennette gave a warming smile and said "good morning rose" "were will you be having your breakfast today?" {i don't really want to meet anyone today} a knock was Heard at the door "come in" another maid entered she bowed before speaking "my lady the duke called for you on the dining room" {what?! maybe he just want me to have breakfast with them yeah that's it don't over think to much Jennette but he only do this on rare occasions} ... { i am heading to the dining room but why am i so nervous i mean I'm sure he didn't saw me last night right?.... Speaking of last night when i was asleep i feel like there's someone watching me} Jennette arrived at the dining room to be greeted by the presence of roger and ijekiel "good morning Jennette" kiel greeted to me which i greeted back "good morning kiel good morning uncle " roger signal Jennette to sit which she fallowed "good morning" the duke said. Jennette sat there awkwardly while eating there breakfast the silence was to load until ijekiel spoke up "how was your night Jennette did you have a good sleep? Your eyes is kinda sore" Jennette froze roger was also looking at her kinda curious Jennette drank her orange juice and laugh awkwardly "ahaha it was good but i did quite sleep late maybe thats why my eyes are sore" {aghhhh kiel notice i hope he believe it and it seems uncle didn't saw me eardroping last night that's good} the rest of the breakfast continued with silence. Roger was done with his he told the kids to finish there food and left.  I was done and decided to head back on my room but ijekiel called "Jennette" i turned around to face him "why don't we take a walk in the garden it's a lovely weather today after all" {well since i don't have anything to do why not and it's been a while i have taken a walk with ijekiel} "sure" i smiled cheerfully at him well he also smiled back, the 2 was heading to the garden when they arrive wind blowing softly butterflies flying around. As they walk peacefully "so how was your tea with the princess" Jennette looked at ijekiel and answered his question "it was good i didn't get to interact much to the princess though" "well it doesn't matter i guess as long as you had fun" Jennette giggled lightly and looked at ijekiel again "you know what the girls mostly talk about was boys and oh oh you were also mentioned" "me?" Jennette clap her hands while smiling brightly looking at the confuse ijekile "yes they ask me what kind of girls do you like or your type on girls i didn't answered it though or i wasn't able to since i don't know your type" Jennette was wondering why ijekiel was so quiet all of a sudden she look at the guy who's right beside her to see his face is red,  ijekiel cleared his throat "u-umm i do have someone in mind" the blushing boy said Jennette continued to stare at him in silence ..... "by that do you mean u like somebody right" ijekiel was shock {did i just expose my self} he thought Jennette continued to look at ijekiel his right  hands covering his his face while he avoid his gaze at jennette{ijekiel didn't answer but his face is red i guess that answered my question then .... i wonder what it feels to really like somebody will i react the same way ijekiel is reacting now? Well it's not like i want to experience that anyway} i look at the sky {it really is a wonderful weather today} few minutes has past they went silent or rather ijekiel was still a blushing mess he excuse himself to Jennette reasoning he has something to do but really his just embarrassed and shock, Jennette stayed longer she found a peaceful spot under a tree while she was looking at her surrounding {so what should i do now i learned the truth and there plan .... Should i just stay here and let it all happen should i just continue to obey my uncle even if his just using me, I'm  not brave enough to interfere I'm not smart enough to turn the situation around. I don't want to be used as a tool all i want is a family who would love me dearly not does who would use me for their own benefit i don't like that} Jennette frowned as she keep thinking about it { all i could do now is run or let them just use me run is the best choice i could think of leave this place for good but where would i go? Maybe i could sell some expansive jewelries? Or i could save b-but uncle never gave me allowons when I'm not going out so i don't think that's possible} sighhh {I'm Just going to think it through} and with that Jennette drafted to sleep.

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