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             Normal-Jennette point of view
             "." - when a character talk
             {.} - when they are in there thoughts
             Bold - 3rd party/author point of view
              [.]  Athy point of view

{i saw Jennette facing dad completely still while dad was staring at her codly what happened here?}
[I found what i was finding for but when i turned around Jennette wasn't behind me tried calling her name multiple times but she wasn't responding i tried finding her if she was nearby but no luck] "no way did she lost her way and ended up on dad's mansion?! I have to check" [ i took the shortest way that's when i saw the 2 of them facing each other] Claude glance at the girl who called his name "athanasia?" Claude went to his daughter "dad" "is that one of your guest?" athy glanced at Jennette "yes were taking a walk but it seems she lost her way and ended up here" "mhh" was all the emperor said  "ahh we should be going now the other must be wondering why we're taking to long" athanasia called Jennette while she walk ahead Jennette started to walk fast when she barely walk pass by the emperor told Jennette in a stern and threatening voice "listen here kid i will forget this ever happened but don't ever show your face in front of me again" Jennette expression was bitter  "yes your majesty" she said in a low tone only the 2 of them can hear athanasia look back at Jennette and called her name again Jennette run to catch up with the princess. They we're heading back to the spot they we're Jennette having tea Jennette's head was down the whole time her fingers fidgeting with each other  athanasia can't help but ask "are you okay Jennette?" with a concern face "ahh I'm okay princess" " you can just call me athy" Jennette look at athanasia and just smiled softly but it seemed force {did she get upset by dad? I mean she's the female lead and the one who melted Claude cold icy Heart but... Why was dad staring at her codly?  I mean i should be happy about it right} (time skipit's finally time for the ladies to go they bid each other good bye, the other started to head back to there carriage the only left was athanasia and Jennette "is there a problem?" athanasia was wondering why she didn't didn't go yet "u-ummm princess i mean athy I'm so sorry for cussing trouble" she bowed refusing to lift her head up until athanasia forgive hee "hu-huh?!, Jennette you don't need to bow for it plus you didn't cause any trouble" athanasia said while helping Jennette lift her head up "i didn't?" her eyes barely holding the tears athanasia samiled reassuring her more {so cute} "you didn't and it's not like a big thing" a tear were seen falling Jennette cried in delight  and huged the the princess athanasia was taken back by Jennette sudden action but she hug back "I'm going miss you princess" Jennette said while blushing  when they finished hugging each other athy laugh lightly "I'm also gonna miss you to, oh wait i have an idea" Jennette tilt her head in curiosity "why don't we write message to each other" "like a pen pall" "yes like that" Jennette claped her hands while happily saying "i would love that" athanasia smile grew wider "then we're officially pen pals" "yes!" they clap there hands together "i should be going now athy i enjoyed being with you" "as well with you bye Jennette" athy wave at Jennette walking away being escorted by a knight Jennette turned around "bye princess" and wave back to athanasia {i guess being friends with Jennette isn't that bad}
Few minutes Jennette arrive at the minor it was already dark outside as soon as Jennette step in a maid approach her "welcome back ma lady the duke called for you"upon arriving at roger study room Jennette carefully close the door "good evening uncle" "good evening Jennette did the tea with the princess go well?" "yes it did" "did anything special happened?" "no nothing special happened uncle" Jennette choose to lie than to tell the truth she didn't want roger to know what happened and her being pen pals with the princess "very well you can go back now" Jennette did what roger said she headed back to her room to meet rose she told rose that she didn't need her help tonight "I'll also skip dinner tonight" "as you wish ma lady" rose left her alone Jennette took a quick bath when she finished she decided to write a small letter but after it finished she realize there's no one to send it to the princess at this time that's when she heard  a noise in hee balcony she went out and saw the little bird "hi there little one" she thought of something she took the note scroll it and tied it into the bird's feet {i know this has little chance to succeed but it won't hurt if i try right?} "little one can u do me a favour? Can u deliver this to the princess" when she was done tying it the bird flew away Jennette hope the bird would be able to successfully deliver the letter.
Meanwhile on the emerald palace  there's a princess getting ready for bed the little bird made a knocking sound on the princess window athanasia was startled she became wary while approaching the window when she saw a little bird flying she calm down athanasia opened the window the bird got in and landed on one of the table "what is this little bird doing here?" athanasia examine the bird closely that's when she saw a srowl tied on the little bird feet she untied it and started reading the letter || hello princess i got home, well i hope you get a good sleep honestly i don't know what to write  i just want to send a letter to u have a good night princess and sorry for sending this random message|| athanasia laugh {silly she send a letter as soon as she got home} athanasia got a Peace of paper  and happily write something on it she did the same thing, she tied it on the little bird feet "aww what a cute sender you are i wondee what your name is" the bird hop on athy finger as she guided it out the window the bird flew flew far away when athanasia didn't saw the bird anymore she close the window and went to bed.  Meanwhile Jennette was sitting on the sofa as she stared at the moon through her window she amdire how beautiful it was while staring she saw a little bird flying this way Jennette opened the window and reach out her arm she look at the letter for a minute Jennette thought it failed but as she untied the letter she realize it's a new paper Jennette excitedly read the massage when she's done reading the message Jennette Bring the peace of paper close to her lips ash she close her eyes an giggled Jennette took a little treasure box and put the letter on it "I'll treasure this until the very end"

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