𝟎𝟎𝟓; Au revoir, pepper girl

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Dear lover,

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Dear lover,

I may be a bit tipsy whilst writing this letter. I've been putting writing it off for weeks and it seems that the only time where I can sit down and write is when I'm half-drunk. So please, excuse any errors if you manage to come across one.

I'm creating a pause in my life story tellings. I HAVE to describe this girl I met at the store yesterday. Well, I didn't technically meet her but our paths kinda intertwined interestingly. If only I asked for her contact so we could've been friends.... She seems like she would be a great friend.

It was a bright and sunny Tuesday morning, and I had my mind set on one thing...

Rosie didn't know how to explain her sudden interests. It was a hyper-fixation she had for a period of time, and then it went away as it came. Her current fixation? Cooking.

She had browsed through every corner of Pinterest and Google, finding dishes that sounded challenging to make. Who didn't like a challenge?

The mall was packed. Every person had tons of bags in their hands, some even going as far as dragging around some sort of wheelbarrows with their purchased items.

Rosie had her heart set on the vegetable stand. It was filled with different veg, ranging in all colours of the rainbow. Red, yellow, orange, green... it could go on and on. 

She moved towards the carrots, weaving in between others. She dropped a few in her basket and reached for the peppers. With her eyes set on the biggest and reddest, she didn't notice the person next to her reaching for the same one. Their fingers touched and Rosie's eyes immediately snapped to the person.

The person, a girl, offered her a small smile whilst retracting her hand.

"Sorry." She muttered, and Rosie caught a whisp of some sort of accent. Russian, maybe? It sounded similar to Russian, but just not quite. "You can take it."

"Oh, no. It's fine, I don't really need it."

The girl raised her eyebrows. "Seriously, you can have it. You were looking at it with heart eyes."

Rosie's jaw dropped, mildly confused but amused at the same time. "I did not! I was merely thinking about how great it would look on my plate."

"Honestly, same. Take it."

"No, you."

The two stared at each other with serious faces before their smiles dominated their cheeks.

"Take it." They said simultaneously. "No you." Both repeated.

The girl scrunched her nose and Rosie smiled. "Let's tackle this in another way, shall we?"

A nod. "Definitely."

Rosie put the pepper back into the shelf and selected two other's, relatively similar in shape and ripeness. She passed the other to the girl, who took it gratefully. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she knew Mia and Diego were spamming her. "Well, pepper girl, I have to go. May the fates intertwine our paths once again."

"Wanda." The girl replied, looking at her shoes. "Call me Wanda."

Rosie saluted her. "Rosalie. Au revoir, Wanda!"

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄, Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now