Davina Uley and Willa Olivar-Uley

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  Name: Davina Roxanne Uley

Age: 16 years old

Birthdate: April 1st, 1989

Nicknames: D, Vina, Roxy, Rox, Anne, Dav, Ro, Female Uley, Little witch, Babe, Baby, Sis, Baby sis, Sissy, Uley witch, Love, Luna, Jacob's girl, Imprint, Jake's girl, Hot headed Uley, Witchy freak, Bitch, My girl, Girlfriend, Ms. Uley, Jake's imprint, Short stack, Shortie, Sam's half sister, and Buttercup

Looks: Long wavy dark brown hair with blue eyes and fair skin

Height: 5'3

Played By: Danielle Campbell

Family: Joshua Uley--father, Willa Olivar-Uley--mother, Samuel Uley-older half brother, Embry Call-younger half brother, and Emily Young-Future sister in law

Relationship/s: Jacob Black-Imprinter

Friends: Sam, Emily, Jacob, Paul, Rachel, Rebecca, Jared, Kim, Quil, Embry, Leah, Seth, Brady, Collin, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Claire, Billy, Harry, and Sue

Enemies: Bella, Edward, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Human blood drinking vampires, Real Werewolves, and Joshua Uley

Special Abilities: Witch abilities and Powerful thought and telepathy projection

Status: Daughter, Sister, Friend, Girlfriend, and Sister in law

Loyalty: Quileute tribe, Rosalie Hale, Jasper Hale, and Emmett Cullen-Hale

Hobbies: Reading, Sketching, Painting, Practicing her powers, Learning witch history, Hanging with the pack, Hanging with Jacob, Writing in her family's grimoire, Learning about shapeshifter's, Cuddling with her family, Cuddling with Jacob, and Training

Species: Witch


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Name: Willa Olivar-Uley

Age: 40 at her death

Birthdate: March 17th, 1965

Nicknames: Will, Will's, Illa, Olivar, Mrs. Uley, Momma, Willa, Willa Olivar, and Mommy

Species: Witch

Family: Davina Uley-daughter, Joshua Uley-ex husband, Sam Uley-former stepson, and Embry call-former stepson

Looks: Short wavy dark brown hair with blue eyes and fair skin

Height: 5'8

Played By: Cobie Smulders 

Friends: Her daughter

Enemies: Joshua Uley, Real werewolves, and vampires

Special abilities: Witch powers

Status: Daughter, Wife, Mother, and Step mother

Loyalty: Olivar coven and Her daughter

Hobbies: Reading, Using her powers, Hanging with her daughter, and traveling 

Living Status: Dead

Living Status: Dead

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