Niall invites you to watch a movie with him at his house

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Niall texted you with puppy dog eyes to come and watch ' The Fault In Our Stars' with him.

You finally made up your mind because you really wanted to see that movie for a long time. You said,'' ok my mom will drive me there since there's snow and it's cold outside.'' He said,'' ok babe.'' You said why did you call be babe Niall.''

He said,'' ok I forgot to tell you that I really like you and I have a big crush on you and I want to watch ' The Fault In Our Stars', and i wanna snuggle with you. You said,'' I like you too so ill just say it now, I love you Niall and I wanna snuggle too and we could cry during the movie. He wrote back,'' ok, sounds like a deal.'' Niall cryed during the part where Augustus died and he,'' asked if Hazel was going to die.'' You said,'' no she won't die because the back of the DVD case said only said Augustus died of cancer.'' Your mom arrived to pick you up and you said bye to Niall and he said,'' ill see you tomorrow in math and science class.'' You said,'' ok bye Niall.'' and he went back inside and your mom drove you home and you went to bed texting Niall.

Sorry for the short chapter. The next one will probably be longer. Vote, comment, and request my lovelies x. Cookies for everyone x.

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