The Land of Magic

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I'm a noob. Bare with me.


"Dad, where does the ocean lead to?" i asked, wrapping my self in my favorite blanket, and sitting comfortably beside my father.

"It leads to a wonderful land, where your wildest imaginations come true" he answered looking at me with those soulful green eyes.

I stared deep into him, watching him catch fish. He was always happy when we are fishing. I loved my dad. He was the only one i got. I watched him,

"be good Cath."

those last words echoed.

" Dad?" My smile disappeared as his image was slowly faded, faded into the orange sunset sky.

"Dad!" He completely vanished.  i was left standing in an empty deck, my tears rolled down. i started panicking. My heart was racing so fast i could bearly hear my own voice. my own voice calling out his name. calling out for him

Don't leave me daddy.

The water started rising as it turned bloody red. The waves were so high then it crashed into my direction swallowing the whole deck, swallowing me into the debts of the ocean. The feeling of fear struck to me, it was like holding me. Squezezing any air left in my body, holding my throat tightly as it pulled me deeper. deeper into nothingness.

I can't move.I can't swim my way up. away from here it kept swallowing me into it's abyss. like a hungry beast sucking everything in it's path.


"be good Cath."


chapter 1

"Is that all sir?" I smiled. 

He nodded, feeling maybe a little awkward with the way I was smiling at him.

"It'll be a dollar and twenty five" I handed him his order. "thank you."

Then he left bringing that small little bell hanging just above the door ringing, until the sound faded.

"bya carla" i said as i walked out the door. i gave a warm grin,

5:00 end of my shift. i still have to study for my exams tomorrow. my house is just a few blocks away from where i work.I love work. Home makes me feel lonely, not since after my dad left me.

walking slowly as i passed the park, i saw a  little girl crying, and a man picking her up. She hugged the man, and the man wiped her tears.

must be her dad.i thought.

the sight of it made me sigh, I miss my dad, i miss the times when i would cry just to get his attention and he knew just what i want. I miss him, the warmth of his hugs, his smiles, his green eyes. God knows how lonely i've been since he took him away from me. that day.

"I'm home." i said as i entered the house. same old place, a rocking chair just infront of the fire place, a red couch, that persian carpet my dad loved so much. same old place, just no him.

"hi Cath. how was your day" Aunt Debie said, holding a cup of hot tea.

'It was fine" i managed a smile.

"Are you hungry? I made some stew just the way you like it" She smiled. She was looking at me. She was looking through me, as if she could read my pain. Well it is her brother. They shared the same green eyes.

Aunt Debbie. The only relative i had left after my dad left me. She did her best just to make me feel loved and appreciated.

"thanks. i'll just change" i said, entering my room "be out in a sec" i smiled.

I am lucky. I though

I am loved

I sat down at my bed, staring out my window. it has the perfect view of the deck that me and my dad sat on when we were fishing.

i looked at his picture beside my bed.

I Miss You, i said wiping a tear away.

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