chapter 4

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I stepped out of the room. my jaw dropped as i shifted my gaze from left to right. everything is just magnificent!The place was huge! i walked through the hallways and saw painting by painting of what looked like royalty.

What kind of hotel is this.

As i walk through the red carpet down to the stairs. i could smell fresh lavenders and roses. It made me relax my nerves.

The stair case handles were made from ivory and gold.

The whole place screamed Royal.

At the end long stairs was a great hall. A giant chandelier made of green and turquoise crystals hung above it. At one end of the great hall was two thrones. One is bigger than the other one. the thrones faced the huge door made as the same material they made the stair case handles.

At the center of the great hall. An old man was smiling at me. he was bald, with a long thin beard. his eyes scrunched up as if he had a hard time making out what i looked like. He was wearing a long white robe that didn't even show his feet. He was holding a staff. it was like a long branch with an orb at the top.

I stopped in front of him.

"Ah. You are here." he said in a calm voice then gave a bow.

"uhm. that's okay. you can stop now" I said awkwardly.

what is it with people bowing.

"May I?" the old man said. Gesturing at my hand, taking permission if he could touch it.

"uhh. sure I guess" I placed my hand on top of his.

Strong wind blew. it opened the huge door, leaves and dust circled in the air as if they were dancing.

I am freaking out! maybe i was wrong. maybe this isn't a joke. But where am I?

I removed my hand from his grip. Throwing back, ready to run. Adrenaline kicking in. What sorcery is this.

The old man raised his hands, and clapped. Every dust Every leaf that busted in was sucked out. It was like playing a video on reverse. The huge door shut behind it. making an echo. everything was dead  silent now.

"She had returned!!" the old man shouted.

Then there was a noise, outside. building up getting louder. Foot steps, nearing the castle. it was like a herd, coming towards us. then it stopped.

Trumpets started playing.

Girls in green dresses like the first one that came to my room came to approach me. they assisted me gently to the throne, they assisted me to sat down.

The door swung open. People, many many people. Huge number! it was like a paramore concert. The way that people waited to see the main act. But it was different. the girls here, were dressed in dresses, and the gentlemen looked like farmers with sun hats. The cold night breeze was blowing through the open window.

I didn't even noticed that it was already nighttime. So that's How long i passed out.

"Let us rejoice." the old man said.

Then music started playing, the people danced around they were all happy. like a new hope had come, like their prayers had been answered. Like they had fulfilled their goals.

But where am I? Where in the world is Cateleya.

I stood up and quietly walked out the sides making sure no one will notice me. I navigated my way through turning left, going right then left again. This place was really huge! I think  might be lost.

Don't be silly i thought. This is just a huge place.

"Cath.." a pale voice called out. It was a girls voice. It was gentle, and i couldn't barely hear it. It was coming from the end of the hall. I followed it. "cath." 

I walked through the hall trying hard to hear,

i stopped. and right in front of me was a huge garden. it was lit up by lamp posts. The ambiance felt very alluring, i felt very relaxed and happy, I felt the wind as it blew on my face. I felt like i knew this place from somewhere. i closed my eyes. it felt like all the problem in the world had gone.

I felt happy again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2013 ⏰

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