chapter 3

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"Cate -- what?" i asked,making my way through the bushes. Looking for people that are involved in this silly prank.

"Cateleya" the man said.

i ignored him and I kept on walking. Nice trees, looks real. How many hours did it took to make this? i thought. Effort.

"It is dangerous going that way." the man said.

I ignored him.

"lady I am serious. There are many wild animals there"

this time, i turned around and looked at him.

"you seriously want me to believe this shit?" i said. "c'mon Carla, it isn't funny anymore. your "Knight" is annoying me" i shouted out.

"you should really stop--"

"Carla! I'm serious!" i yelled even more.

then, there was a rustling in the bushes.

"Carla? are you finally coming out?" i said slowly approaching the bushes.

there was a gnarling behind the bushes, i saw three red eyes. 

Shit, this definitely is not Carla.

i took one step back, slowly, nervously. the man grabbed me in my arm and covered me.i could see his back, his blond hair shimmering in the sunshine. he smells like melons. i was close enough to feel his icy cold armor but it made me feel safe, safe like my dad made me feel.

he drew his sword, pointed in the bushes. waiting for something. something to come out and eat us both. a bear maybe. a bear with three eyes. this is just silly. 

then it happened. a cross between a bear another animal jumped out. it has three eyes, a foaming mouth, rabies i guess. two long canine teeth. maybe a foot each. and it was huge and black with orange stripes, like a tiger but the black was more dominant. it was definitely a cross between a bear and a tiger.

i was feeling terrified. shaking from head to toe.

but wait why would i be? this is all a joke. so I jump out from behind the man that was protecting me and approached the bear.

"are you crazy?!" the man shouted

i clapped out loud. "Brilliant Carla! what an imagination."

the bear-tiger roared and stood on his two hind legs. now it was like a giant! twelve feet. i was an ant to him.

"how cute Carla." i said reaching for it's tummy to feel its fur. to find a switch to tell me this was a toy, a robot.

"don't do that!-"

but before he could save me the bear-tiger scratched his nails deep into my arm.


my eyes widened. i started to panic. i hated blood. i hated it. my legs started to stiffen, i was catching my breath. my sight became blurry i tried to search for the man who was with me but panic made it more difficult. blood oozing out. pain. pain like i never felt before. i howled, it burns. it's like eating out my flesh. some one help. -------

"be good Cath."



i opened my eyes trying to regain consciousness, my vision still blurred, i sat up straight i was still dizzy. i felt my arm and screamed. It has a gauze, with blood on it. God it hurt! what happened to me.

my sight began to clear up.

i remembered what happened to the forest. but where am I now?

i was in a huge bed with blue covers, blue as the ocean. it had four poles one on each corner. it had light blue silk curtain like cloth hanging from it. it was tied up in the center by golden colored ropes.

the room had a Victorian theme. there was a chandelier hanging above me. The wall papers seemed royal it was dark blue, with silver Fleur-de-lis printed on it.  like I was in a room fit for a princess.

Maybe I'm in a hotel.

I stood up, trying to balance my self i was still in my ripped skinny jeans and loose rock shirt that was about two sizes bigger than me. my red hair, was still messy in a bun. my skin pale as ever,

then there was a knock on the door.

room service?

"come in" i said sitting back on the bed

a girl entered the room, curtseyed and approached me. she was in a long dress, seemed like from the 1700, it was plain green long sleeved and turtle neck. she had an apron that was white as her pale skin, she had brow hair pulled up in a pony tail, and had hazel colored eyes. she was simple yet she was gorgeous

"okay what's with the curtsy? hotel policies?" i said feeling a little awkward. "and what's with the costume? where am i? the 1700?" i snorted.

"I am glad you are awake." she bowed again. " the royal clairvoyant would like to speak to you"

i raised an eyebrow

"okay. clairvoyant? as in psychic?" i said approaching the door which she opened for me. "guess i was right i am in a carnival"

she was still bowing. what was she waiting for? am i supposed to say something?

what do i say? at ease? no. you are relieved? no.

"uhm." i said stopping in front of her. she was still bowing. "you can go now" i said.

she stood up. "thank you your highness." then she curtseyed again. then left.

your highness? what was tat all about.

a/n i know this is boring bare with me. im a noob :(

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