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" The Calm Before the Storm "

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" The Calm Before the Storm "

—TRAVIS HADN'T been one to cause problems in the camp since they arrived. Nobody had to lay a hand on him until Shane had to yank him backwards away from the asian kid. Although as soon as he had laid eyes on Rick Grimes, he knew that Glenn had been the wrong one for Travis to immediately lash out at. He was simply the messenger that had gotten to the camp first and was the one to tell him about Merle.

"We gotta talk, Travis." Shane spoke simply once the excitement of the groups return began to die down. Travis had removed himself from the group, if it hadn't been Rick Grimes, if it had been any other cop walking into the camp, if it hadn't been Carls' dad, Travis would have killed him right then and there.

"We don't gotta talk, we got to go back to Atlanta." Travis corrected as he took a drag off of a cigarette. "Before Daryl gets back."

"Daryl won't do anything."

Travis scoffed, "Daryl took on a bastard that had been on a bender for three days and could take me down with one good punch to the face." Travis replied, "Daryl will kill that walking dead man without thinking twice about it."

Shane sighed heavily, scratching the back of his neck as he thought.

"Listen, I know that Merle isn't exactly a high class member of the camp," Travis stated turning towards Shane. "But he's one of us, you said that yourself when Andrea said she didn't want him goin'." Travis stated, jabbing his finger into Shane's chest. "And that piece of shit thought it was alright to handcuff 'im to a roof. That cop isn't one of us, just rolls up and-"

"Watch yourself," Shane said sharply, "that's a good man that his kid thought was dead and brought back everyone else on that run. He's one of us."

Travis couldn't stop an amused chuckle from escaping his lips and a surprised look covering his face, "You're shitting me, right? That's a man that not only left Merle on a roof in Atlanta, but that's also the man who's gonna be standing between you and Lori from here on out."

Shane took a step towards him, his eyes wide as he glanced over his shoulder, "You don't say a word about-"

"Oh, piss off, Walsh. I'm not gonna say jack about it." Travis stated, "But if me and Daryl get to that department store and find out Merle's dead, I just might."

Shane opened his mouth to say something but instead he looked over his shoulder as Rick Grimes cleared his throat and stood behind Shane. "Rick, I don't think now's a good time."

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