>The Relaxation Day (Realm Dancing)<

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Context: This is a Headcanon I posted in discord.
Here is the Headcanon >

| ~ | Headcanon : Each Realm has their own type of dancing. Ex: End Ballroom dancing may involve teleporting or something to involve their height while Nether ballroom dancing contain fire or smth while OverWorld ballroom dancing is normal. And that every Royal of that realm (and nobles, courts, etc) have been taught it. | ~ |

And with this.... Enjoy! ☺️

Edited: 3 - some spelling

! Warnings !   
> Parental issues
> Wither Sickness
> Memory issues/Flashback
> Mention of not self-caring
> Disappointment/ Shaming
> Trauma
> Panic (possible Panic attack?)
> Mention of blood!
> Just be wary when reading!

<Characters mentioned: >
>Everyone but Centross<
>3rd Person<
In a busy town of Fable SMP, an event was organised to relieve stress and tension between the people and between issues that had appeared. The resident bear, nether-hybrid Prince, Olm and the literal ocean had arranged a day of games, dancing and talking about what has positively happened recently. They had decorated the Town hall with blankets, pillows, beanbags (all in a circle), banners, candles and tables (for food, games and music). The Olm (Aax) had accidentally revealed the event to their roommate Caspian while muttering to themselves as they were getting supplies, kind of dragging him into helping.

~ Time Skip brought by Ghaae sleeping ~

"So we all finished giving the invitations?" The prince, Athena, asked. They leaned against Jamie (the bear) as they finished up their potion which Rae had gifted for their wither sickness. "Yep! But we haven't given one to Rae yet" Aax smiled, rocking on their heels as they finished putting up a cyan banner against the stairs, turning to face the others; "Me and Caspian are going to drag him here anyways. He's been working himself to death". Jamie and Athena gave worried looks as Caspian smiled, "Don't worry too much, we've been making him rest".
"That's good, we don't want our nerd to be sick" Ocie laughed, picking herself up off a deep sea blue beanbag, patting itself down as she wondered over to the group, "The poor man puts all the pressure on himself" It sighed, to which the group nodded in agreement.
"That is so true" A voice spoke up from the entrance of the Hall, jumpscaring everyone but Ocie. There stood Will and Easton - who seemed to be trying to hold in their laughter.
"You should of seen your faces!" Easton broke into laughter, soon moving to Jamie to pat their back.
"EASTON!" Jamie punched his sibling's shoulder playfully, soon laughing with their sibling... "Where's Momboo and Sherb?" The bear asked, looking towards the opening. "Ah they stopped to wait for Seven and some book guy." Easton replied, moving to a black beanbag and plopped onto it.

Will had moved to Caspian, Aax and Ocie, smiling a hello. "Why are you so silent? You scared me half to death!" Caspian laughed, smiling back to Will. Will simply shrugged before turning towards Athena who was laughing along side the two siblings.
"Hey Athena?" Will questioned, waving over the young Prince. "Yeah?" "Have you seen Galahad? We was meant to meet up but they didn't show" The nether Prince hummed, deeply thinking before softy clapping. "They said they were going to be late, told me to say that's you do not need to worry Will!" Athena smiled. The masked one nodded before thanking Athena, turning back to the group of three that had listened.
"At least we know where Galahad is, where's Rae?"
"Lab" All three of them says, some sighs and some laughs.
"Me and Caspian was just about to go get him" Aax laughs, receiving a nod from Will as he and Ghosty (Caspian) left the Hall. The duo walked to their cave, chatting and laughing all the way before entering. They spotted Rae sitting in his chair, his hair was messily down this back and his wings stuck out from behind him. The researcher had 4 books out on the desk with another one in his hands as he muttered unrecognisable words that jumbled in Ghosty's and Aax's head. The two just stood there, smiling at the man. "Do you think he can hear us?" Aax joked, their eyes scanning the messy appearance of Rae. "Let's test it" Ghosty laughed, knocking on the wood he had begun to lean on. The explorer knocked once... then twice... then a third time before calling his boyfriend's name. "Rae love?" The said man jumped out of his skin as the words reached his ears, turning to look at the two. His tired eyes relaxed as he saw his boyfriend and roommate (*cough* yeahhh RooMmAte! *cough*), closing the book as he smiled, "Ghosty. Aax. Morning! Or is it afternoon?" The end prince pondered, soon smiling once again to the two.
"Love you gotta go outside at least 3 times a day" Ghosty sighed, pulling Rae up from his chair as Aax led them to their room.
"Now let's get ya cleaned. We're taking you somewhere"

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