> "May the stars lead us..." (Constellation Duo) <

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This was selected without context by a chat in a discord server I am in. So please enjoy!😊

Context: The constellation duo had planned on going on an adventure, however they ended up in a desert during the hottest hour of the day. They decide to wait till night to keep going.

! Warnings !
> Fluff
> c!Will having temperature issues!
> Heatstroke / Mentions of Heatstroke
> Heat exhaustion
> Hallucinations
> Dehydration
> Swearing
{let me know if I need to add something to the warning.}

< Characters Used: >
> c!Will
> Galahad

Note: I have never had Heatstroke (that I can remember) so I'm basing this on Google research and medical things I've been taught.

Edits: 0

Enjoy :]
>3rd Person but mostly from Galahad<
The cooling wind softly passed through the open field, running past two figures that stood on the edge of a sandy and deserted land. The shorter of the two sighed heavily before removing the light blue bag from his back. He opened it, rummaging through the bag in search of something. His arm had reached into the bag so far that his rolled up sleeve had begun to enter the bag as he kept searching for the objects he was focused on looking for. The taller, golden/blonde haired figure next to him laughed softly as they watched, the plaited[1*] strands - that remained down, unlike the majority of the hair which was tied up in a bundle - swayed with each movement their body gave with each laugh. They wore a long, light coloured jacket with golden edging; a black shirt underneath. A dark red fabric laid on his right shoulder, held in place by a lighter red belt with gold assets, a golden chain was also attached and hung down his left leg. Their grey boots came up to just below their knees, tied in a military-style fashion. Their eyes soon opened as they calmed down from their laughter, golden eyes watching the short, white/light blue haired man next to him. The said man had found the items he was looking for, a bucket of powdered snow and a cornflower blue fan that had candles and flowers decorated on. He stood up, his rolled up sleeves fell slightly down his arms and his vest jacket had crumbled slightly. He had black trousers that tucked into brown boots that covered half of the leg below the knee. Patting down the clothes and rerolling his sleeves, the short haired person looked to the Goldie locks, a white/light purple mask blocking his face from the said other.

"Well.. Shall we go on ahead?" The masked one asked, returning the bag into his back while carrying the two items.
"Are you sure Will? We don't have to if the heat is too much..." The golden haired hybrid questioned, slightly concerned for the shorter.
"Pfffff I'll be fine. It's an adventure Galahad! The heat can't stop me from possibly discovering new places!" Will laughed, receiving a laugh from the other as well.
A small step forward and the adventure of the barren land began, the small particles sticking to the shoes of the duo as they walked, passing crumbling rocks and chunks of dry sandstone.

~ A time-skip brought to you by Uncle Al! ~

Little crunching of the sand and the slight heavy breathes were the two loudest sounds that anyone could hear, the wind remained quiet and only carried the sickening warmth, not relieving Will with a cooling breeze. The said man was the cause of the heavy breathes, his shirt and vest jacket now loosened as he tiredly waved his decorated fan towards himself. The powdered snow had halved in size, each time Will used it; some of the snow would melt. The sight of Will's state concerned Galahad, the nether hybrid perfectly fine besides the odd sand particles that ended in his hair when the wind would pick up randomly. The heavy breathing picked up, the concern growing to match. Galahad scanned the surrounding barren area, the rock formations all crumbling, however the rock formations started to grow in number and size. The hybrid took their chance, looking to Will who had slowed down massively.
A nod came from the heavily breathing and sweating man, his mask still covering the facial expressions.
"There are some rock formations just ahead, do you think you can make it there?" They concerned asked, handing Will a bottle of water that they had gotten out from their lava orange bag. The bottle was took, opened and finished in seconds.
"Y..Yeah... I should be able to.." Will tiredly replied, beginning to walk wobbly to the right.
"That's the wrong way Will" Galahad gentle pulled Will the right direction, his mind filling with more worry as they watched their friend wobble. They looked to their hand that they used to help Will move to the right direction... Will's arm was clammy. Galahad had never realised how bad the heat affected some people, he himself originating from the hottest realm - The Nether.
The moment of internal worry was broken when a thud rung into Galahad's ears, alerting him back to Will who was now on the ground. They ran over to the masked one, helping him sit up.
"Will? Will are you okay?" Galahad panically asked, taking the fan that Will dropped and began to fan him. A quiet mumble came from behind the mask, a shaky arm moving to move the mask off his face and over his hair to reveal a unusually paler Will who was trying to blink himself awake.
"My head" Will groaned, covering his eyes with a hand, the other weakly grasping onto the golden hair's jacket. Softly placing their hand on the shorter's forehead, an unnatural warmth for the usually much cooler body revealed itself as the hand touched the skin, sweat sticking to the hybrid's palm. A quiet, irritated grumble left Will's mouth and he swatted Galahad's hand away as he turned away from the harsh sun's rays that beamed onto his face.
"Uhm.. Want me to carry you?" Galahad nervously asked, not wanting to cause discomfort to the irritated adventurer. A silent nod was all they got, twisting the orange bag to sit on his front. The ex-soldier bent down, helping Will onto his back, some mumbles from the said person. Slowly returning to a walking state, the duo restarted their travel - one on the back of the other.

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