The Backstory

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I've just had a well earned rest after a long day at school. Even though no one likes school, I would never complain, it's so much better than the one I went to a few years ago anyway... less troublesome, less stressful, and I don't live in constant fear that I will bump into my toxic ex boyfriend Zach. I hate Zach with all my heart.

Its 7:55PM on Friday. My favourite show, The X Factor is about to start.

Eric, Hunter, Landon, come downstairs, the show's about to start!" 

"GOSH CALM DOWN Y/N, we're coming!" one of my brothers Eric responds.

Well, they aren't my real brothers, but after they found me on the streets, we all grew so close like siblings. 

It all started three years ago, when I was 12 years old. For as long as I can remember, my parents had always looked down on me. I never knew why, but after a while, they began to physically abuse me. They would hit me until I bruised, they would lock me in the cold, dark basement over night on days where they despised me more than usual for no known reason, and tell me that if I ever told anyone, like teachers, friends (not that I had any though), or just anyone in general what was going on at home, things would get 10x worse than they already were. The fact that I was bullied at school didn't help either, especially as I had no one to look out for me, and I also had a shitty boyfriend with anger issues at the time. He would make up rumors about me, that I used to always fuck him (which people actually believed, I was 12 years old for God's sake!), and whenever I tried to break up with him, matters were pretty much the same as at home. He would just threaten to  beat me up, and just stuff like that. Lord knows how I even ended up with him.

It just all got too much for me, the abuse, bullying, Zach, and the self harm, and something came over me. It all happened so fast, at first it was just a thought, then before I knew it, I was packing a bag full of my essentials, and was out of the house. I didn't have time to think about what would happen after I left. Where would I even go? I didn't have anywhere to go, so I just kept running until it hit night. I ended up in another City. I saw a sign "Welcome to Birmingham" it said. Hours away from home. I stayed the night on a bench in a park. It was freezing, but soon enough, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping.

It would only be a couple of hours till my life would change for the better.

At about 10AM, I was just staring into space, thinking about what my life had turned into, when 3 boys who looked about 14 or 15, came up to me smiling. I was so confused.

 One of them said to me "Hello! are you okay?"

 They seemed really nice and good intentioned, so I just replied with, "Hi! I'm alright"

"What are you doing here on your own?" another boy asked

Silence. How could I be certain these boys were trustworthy? And why did they look so familiar?

Clearly the confusion and fear on my face was evident, because the last boy reassuringly said "it's okay, you can trust us, we only want to help you."

I could sense a well intentioned person from bad, after all, I'd had to deal with so many shit people in my life, and these boys weren't like them.

"I... I ran away from home yesterday morning"


"Abusive parents, shitty boyfriend, bullies, what else can i say? my life's fucked up"

"How old are you?"

"12, what about you?"

"WTF!!! 12 is so young! we're 15. By the sounds of it though, you do have a shit life, no offence, and i'd understand why you wouldn't want to go back, so why don't you come round to our house until we figure something out for you? My name's Hunter, that's Landon, and that's Eric, What's your name?"

"None taken, and thank you so much! Could we stop for some food before we go though, i haven't eaten anything in over 24 hours! My name's y/n by the way. Are you three brothers?"

"Nah, we're just mates, but we live together because of our job."


After we got back to their house, I explained my situation to Landon, Hunter and Eric, and they all agreed that it would be best for me to just stay with them because if it was reported to the police, they'd only make me go back, besides, my parents hadn't even reported me missing.

They hadn't reported me missing.

Even though I hate my parents, it still kinda hurt that they didn't care about me at all to report me missing. Well, I decided I didn't care, why should I?

Hunter and Eric went to the kitchen to make lunch for everyone while Landon stayed on the sofa with me.

I couldn't help but think about where the boys look familiar from.

"i feel like i've seen you somewhere"

"Really? GET IN!" He shouted to the other 2 boys in the kitchen... "GUYS WE'RE GOING VIRAL HAHA"

I was so confused

"So..... I have seen you before?"

"Probably, we're a smallish band on social media."

Bingo. Now that he said that, I remembered, I saw one of their tiktoks a while back.

"Oh yeah i remember now!"

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