Niall's Backstory

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Its the next day after the audition, and all four of us are well rested. I go downstairs at about 9AM, still in my PJ's, to go make some breakfast, and as I walk into the kitchen, I see my brothers rushing around for some reason.

What the fuck is going on?

"What are doing!?" I ask, very confused.

"We're making pancakes, what does it look like!?" Hunter says.

"What it looks like is a mess!" I say chuckling. "Why though, we never have pancakes?"

"Niall's coming over in about 5 minutes, so we thought we'd do something nice!"

"WHAT THE FUCK! Why's he coming over? How do you know?"

"Did you forget? you two have some practicing to do for your next audition, and I got his number yesterday when you were inside auditioning and we were waiting for you." 

"Ok well how the fuck am I gonna get ready in time!? I need to go get ready now!"

"Well you won't have any pancakes if you go now!" Landon says

"I really don't care! I can't let Niall see me like this"

I suddenly hear the doorbell, so I bolt upstairs to go get ready. I don't have time to shower, so I decide I will have one later, and for now just brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I am in my room again to get dressed, I put in my airpods and play some music whilst looking for something to wear. Music always calms me down. After about 5 minutes, I decide I will wear Jeans and a pistachio green crop top.

Still listening to music in my airpods, I start to get dressed, when suddenly the door flies open and I just see Niall standing there in shock. I quickly run and hide in my wardrobe, then I hear Niall leave and the bedroom door shuts. 

Niall fucking Horan just saw me wearing nothing.... well, I was wearing my jeans, but still, he saw me in my bra! I've  only known the man a day for fucks sake!

I text Niall:

I'm sorry! text me when you're ready, i'll explain then.


I quickly put on my crop top and take 5 minutes to mentally prepare myself

I message Niall again:

You can come in my room now.


U sure?


Yes now hurry up i want to fucking get this over with.

Niall walks into my room with a plate.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry! I was gonna bring you a pancake because you would have missed them, so i saved you some of mine, and Eric told me that you'd probably be ready by now, so I could go up to your room!"

"That fucking dickhead! Did you knock on my door before you came in?"

"Yeah I did, but you weren't answering, and it isn't his fault!"

"Oh it bloody well is his fault! He knows i take a long time to get ready in the mornings, and that I always have my airpods in, he fucking knew this would happen!"

"So that's why you weren't answering! But I dont understand, why would Eric do that?"

"Do you remember i told you yesterday? He saw you kiss me, and he said he found it cute."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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