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They say you Reap what you sew
Karma come back harder every time
They judge you by the record you have on paper not the individual that's in front of you
You might remember me from about two years ago
My best friend my sister was murdered.
My name is Iceland
But hey everyone calls me Ice
This is my story


Let's see where should I start my present day:
I'm sitting in the hole waiting on the guard to come take me to my cell.
They  moved me to my fourth  prison  in the last year
Pin strips and the number 11 is so not my color..
I've done a lot and seen a lot
But I always do what right.
The only reason I'm in the hole is because I know if I walk on the court I'm dead man walking.
People say they have a lot of skeletons in there closets. Well I'm sick of watching the people I've killed in my dreams like a movie every single night.
Ok so I know your questions are why am I here...
I'm here because of my choices and I have blood on my hands that will never wash off.
Chow time I hear a guard yell. He yanks me from my lonely cot. I need to take a leak I tell him he throws me a bucket.  I took every but not to snap his thin red head neck. Thanks I said as I go in the cell to the side find the darkness part of my cell and do my business. I can't remember the last time I saw daylight.  Well the guard shackles me up and make me walk to my lunch. He must be new cause he keep shaking as he put my chains on. Yo are you new blood I ask him. He yells no talking and shoves me. Ok then I'm just trying to be nice and started walking.
We get to the mess hall all these ladies are eating like this they last meal. It probably is for some of them. All I see are forks and hands in the air and people eating fast. He sits me at a table and tell me no trouble today. I see officer Jackson monitoring us all from the stair case about. A prisoner walks over to him and hands him something quick. My guess is drugs they make so much in here it crazy. But I'm not trying to get in any trouble..
but I know you have questions you want to know about Danny and jroc and what happen to my friend case.
Well it's a story so hold tight.

Year one :

My alarm wakes me up at 12:50 midnight
It's time.
I get washed up to go meet up with ice.
Not a day goes by I don't think about my baby girl
She didn't deserve her wings so soon.
I go check on j to see if he's ok
I watch my son as he sleeps and snores. Sounds like a grown man. I give him is toy turtle bobo he always carry's with him.
I remember when kandy picked it out at the store before he was born.
I reset his music toy with spaceships and rainbow lights.
Close the door and walk out. I see ice she is sitting on her car with a black hoodie and jeans on. I ask her for a smoke. I tell her I got my gun ready and clean as I show her. She was said look at you puffy. Ever since I left the bloods. And we found out who killed kandy. We ended up forming our own pack call the thrusted. It's about 12 of us we go around trying to stop gangs on the streets. Hey if the cops can't do it we will. We got the drug dealers the ladies on the Corner we got them out the game. I told ice once we deal with kandy's killer I'm out the game for good.
I have so much blood on my hands to the point all I see is red when I wash them day after day. Our last run we found some of Joseph's little thug runners. We jumped them enough just to scare them just to let them know we coming for Joseph and Kino. We know it will get back to there leaders super quick. They might be hunting us but we hunting them to.
We drive down 72 and 5th street. You can smell the smell of smoke in the air. Homeless people running around and people just trying to buy drugs. Dogs barking cause they hungry. There was two dogs fighting over a homeless person body. We came to our site. The boys are waiting.

Time for
Us to hit the blocks. All the dudes got there guns.
I hear coco pull up on her motorcycle.
I asked her what she is doing here? She jumps off her bike and hugs me. I got you she say as she kisses me. I tell her I don't want her to get hurt cause she got her nursing test tomorrow. She walks pass me and goes to Danny. He just nodes at her. We all come together
We all here for one reason only!!
Danny got this crazy look in his eyes
He yells payback!
We all yell with him is everything!!
We all get in our cars and take off.
We go down near the den we see the young thugs trying to sale.
We get our guns and jump out the car we yell for them to go home as we point the guns at them.
There three guys they don't look over 12 years old.
I took there beer and 40 and drink it. They try to pull they gun and knife. I laugh and say y'all funny. My boys pull out they guns. They say it there block and they not giving it up without a fight.
I wink and say that cool blood and I wink. I'll give you a choice you fight me and land a hit you win if you miss and I take you down y'all get out of here and never see y'all near here. The youngest dude start to circle me. He is so skinny I can break him with one swing. He laughs and say you a girl you'll go down hard.
He punches out but miss. Nothing but air I tell him to try again as I put one hand behind my back. He try's again I duck and hit him twice in the stomach. He falls I tell him to stay down. His lip is bleeding. He get back up.
You know for a skinny little boy you sure can't hear is that why you not in school. I laugh. My team laughs to.
He pulls out a knife.
Yo Danny he going cut me I laugh Danny just stands there and said bad idea kid.
This kid charges at me. I grab him by his shirt and lift him in the air slamming him into the ground. I have him pin with my gun in his face. I told you to stay down you fool. I'm only say this once as I take his drugs and his gun.
I'm doing you a favor get your ass back in school and take the two heresy kisses boys with you. He say ok ok just don't kill me I let him up and they all run. Danny kicks one of them in the ass that makes them stumble more.
Danny turns to me shaking my hand nice work
No blood this time...

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