Another Mikaelson saved

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Bonnie Sheila Bennett had been back in Mystic Falls since the day before Davina was almost beaten to death.
Margeaux Claire had found her daughter packing the last of her Grimoires and music records so she would finally be free from the emotional and physical abuse the coven did; not to just her but every child.
It was the night after the Choosing

Astrid had finally understood Sirius' desire to hunt that Rat down, but unlike her blood-adopted father, she stayed and made sure Davina wasn't going to die.
Her auntie Cissa had held her as she screamed and cried and threatened slow and painful deaths to every coven member involved.
Unfortunately, Astrid only managed to give them complete agony in the form of Basilisk venom the night of the 'Bloody Harvest', otherwise, no one would have found the bodies

Rudy Hopkins had demanded his daughter return to the confines of the borders of the small havoc-filled town.
He had threatened to file charges of kidnapping against Astrid, so reluctantly Bonnie once again became chained back to the town she had narrowly escaped from.
What no one knew was Astrid had given her a small Portkey that allowed her to return to the Café whenever she wanted.
Bonnie had used it almost daily. If she wasn't in the bustling streets of the Quarter, you would find her in the burnt remains of the Witches' house.

In the 4-ish weeks, Bonnie Sheila Bennett had been back, the air-inclined witch was digging up graves or unmarked ones as she began to put the burnt witches to rest.
The Cellar now was an Altar; filled with yellowing bones, fresh and dried herbs, and many powerful talismans.
It was a magnificent sight, the feeling of pure serenity whenever she stepped foot into the room was otherworldly.
This was something she should have done years ago; Bonnie didn't even need to dig up bodies to do so, she just needed to find a place to practice magic calmly.
Just another thing that made her feel like she was failing the craft, and pure anger at her mother for binding her magic and The Salvatores for killing the only link to her ancestry

Speaking of Ancestors, Bonnie's weren't all consecrated.
She was planning to move to New Orleans permanently, so Shelia's coffin was gifted to Astrid to keep safe until she arrived there.
Bonnie was still working on fully trusting the rest of The Bennett coven and she didn't want them to punish her grandmother on the off chance they decided to take out their anger on a person she loves in their grasp. Or limit her magic again like when she brought Jeremy back from the dead, which was something she had been regretting more and more lately.
It was all because she had The Salvatore's tracking her down day after day to try and fix him and every little problem they had.

All in all, the leafy-eyed Bennett was miserable, and no one cared

Narcissa Malfoy-Black, on the other hand, was ecstatic.
The world-renowned Healer was already planning the whole event of consecrating Shelia, incorporating it into Beltane more commonly known as The 1st of May.
It was her favourite festival growing up, as it was her duty to decorate the 'May Bush' which was uncommon as she was the youngest out of her sisters, but Druella Rosier wanted to encourage her favourite child.
Bonnie was fascinated by The Olde ways, had been since her first experience with Samhain just a week after she entered NOLA, which was also followed by All Saints Day something that made the novice witch cry with joy at feeling the magic in the air. And so, she was very upset about not helping with the preparations

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