Moving In With Nick

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"Thank you so much for letting me move in Nick" I said happily. "No problem what are friends for if they don't let their best friend move in with them." Nick said laughing at what he was saying. "Hey Nick- who's this?" said a guy walking into the room that looked just like Nick but with longer hair. "Oh I'm sorry I'm y/n, nice to meet you!" I said while reaching my hand out to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you to I'm Chris." He said while shaking my hand. Oh wow his hands are so soft but the moment was cut off by someone yelling. "NICK" yelled someone from the hallway. "WHAT MATT?!" Nick yelled back into the hallway. I poke my head out to see the boy because I'm curious. Oh- so Nick is a triplet but never told me?! How rude! I turn my head to Nick. "Why did you never tell me you were a triplet?" I asked Nick. "Im sorry I thought I already told you before." Nick said a little sadly. I smiled "it's okay Nick you're forgiven." turning my head back to the boy. "So what's your name?" I said to the boy in the hallway. "Im Matt and your name is..?" He said confusingly. So Nick has never told his brothers about me and I'm about to live with them.. great. "I'm Y/n" I told Matt. "Nice to meet you, Nick when are we making god damn snow cones?" He asked Nick. It felt rude that he swapped from talking to me to immediately talking to Nick but it makes sense because he rarely knows me. I would've done the same thing. "In a couple of minutes Matt I wanna help y/n unpack her stuff." Nick said. "No it's alright you can go make snow cones with Matt I will help y/n unpack it'll help me and her bond since she's going to be living here." Chris said. "Wait she's moving in?!" Matt yelled still being in the hallway."Yes Matt, let's go make some snow cones." Nick said. "And you! Don't do any funny business with my best friend." Nick said while pointing at Chris. "I won't don't worry. She's not even my type Nick." Chris said. I don't know why but it felt like my heart shattered when he said that..

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