Argument pt.1

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"Matt eats them and has like the chocolate all over his teeth! Ughh so nasty!" Chris said. "Yeah to the door. Pancakes outta here." Nick said. "Pancakes wouldn't even make-" Chris started. "Next." Nick said. "Pancakes wouldn't even make my breakfast menu!" Chris said. "Can I say-" Matt started. "Honest to god it would be like- French toast. Waffles. Bacon-" Chris started. "Can I-" Matt tried saying something. "Scrambled eggs." Chris kept going. "Can I-" Matt said again. "Hash browns." Chris said. "Can I say something really quick?" Matt asked. "Sunny side up." Chris said. "Can I say something real quick?" Matt asked again. "Like eggs whatever." Chris said. "I don't-" matt started. "LET THE MAN SPEAK! WE KNOW WHAT YOUR OPINIONS ARE ON PANCAKES!" Nick shouted. "Listen I-" Matt started. "Talking too much!" Nick said to Chris. "I don't eat French toast enough to put it above pancakes no matter what-" Matt said. "If you gave French toast a shot-" chris started. "Guys." Nick said. "You'd like it way more." Chris said. "Guys." Nick said again. "I'M NOT SAYING-" Matt started. "Guys!" Nick said. "You haven't!" Chris said. "THAT IM NOT GETTING IT A FUCKING SHOT!" Matt yelled. "Wooahhh!" Nick said. "NEXT TIME TRY IT!" Chris shouted back! "In this point in time-" Matt started. "The aggression!" Nick said looking over at me. "With this point in time-" Matt started. "Why don't you just give 'em a shot!" Chris said "LISTEN! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Matt shouted at Chris. " I haven't seen the last time when you even attempted to enjoy a good party breakfast!" Chris said. "Can you listen to what I'm gonna say?" Matt asked. "No! Cause I know what you're gonna say!" Chris yelled. "In this point in time I have not had French toast enough to dissect the meaning of it and how much I enjoy it." Chris mocked. "Exactly!" Matt said. "I don't give a fuck give it a shot!" Chris said. "Okay I'm-" Matt started. "And just realize that you're 19 years old and it's time to outgrow pancakes Matt!" Chris yelled. "Okay! Chris listen! Oh my god! I'll give it a shot!" Matt yelled. "Chris- hey guys-" I said. "It's such a little kid food!" Chris yelled. "Can me and Nick speak for like 10 sec-" I started. "If you're like over 30 and order pancakes it's so gross!" Chris said. "Listen! Oh my god!" Matt said. "I'm gonna freak out." Nick rubbed Matt shoulder. " it's okay." Nick said. "Chris shhh." Nick said. "Listen. In this given moment I have not had French toast enough o put it above-

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