Chapter 2

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If it doesn't you ain't doing it right~
Tw: drugs
Chapter 2
1:00 pm
Suna woke up with a sickening headache, not even remembering going to sleep last night. Pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie he took a quick wash up. He quickly went to Spotify looking through his playlists he found "Euphoria" it was his favorite because he made it with Osamu. His faint cries echoed through the empty apartment. Looking around still sobbing he got his grinder and pulled a 2,000¥ bag of cannabis from his pocket. After rolling he inhaled until the point where his lungs couldn't take it anymore. While coughing from the previous inhale of his blunt he grabbed the bottle of water from the nightstand and took small sips until he stopped coughing. After his final inhale he quickly grabbed his phone to check the time "3:30". Remembering that Sakusa's game started at 5 he continued getting ready.
Walking out the door Suna grabbed his backpack and headed for a convenience store to grab something to eat. He found some chips, candy, a drink, and a ham and cheese sandwich. "That'll be 3,000¥ " the store manager said. Suna obviously in a rush gave him 3,100 yen and told him to keep the change. Rushing to the gym at "4:15" Suna made sure to text Sakusa that he was on his way. When he reached the gym and finally got in Sakusa spotted him and ran up to Suna giving him a big hug. Sakusa was a germaphobe but if it was someone who he truly had a connection with and understood on a deeper level he truly didn't mind.
When Suna and Sakusa first met it was in their 2nd year of primary school, even though they went to different schools they would always find each other on the play ground. When they got to middle school and were in the same class and seemed to be inseparable. Going into high school they met the Miya twins and seemed to separate a bit. After Atsumu started dating Sakusa, Suna barely saw him anymore. What had really made Suna upset about the situation was that he had to see someone he had feelings for be with someone else. It truly broke Suna's heart and put him into a depressive episode and he stopped going to school until his mom scolded him and told him that he had to go. Whilst walking through the halls he met Osamu and they stopped and looked at each other for a moment. "Oh you're Suna, Sakusa's friend right." Osamu finally said speaking up. "Yes I'm Suna who are you,and how do you know me?" Suna said being a little annoyed. "Oh I'm Osamu, and Atsumu is my brother who happens to be dating Sakusa." He said trying to force a smile but was visibly nervous. "Oh well do you wanna hag out sometime" he asked trying to make him more comfortable. "Oh sure anytime is fine really" he said relaxing a bit. "Well here's my phone number text me when you're free." He said writing his phone number on a piece of paper and handing it to Osamu. Dont you dare catch feelings again Suna thought to himself. He greatly failed and contradicted himself a year later after Osamu confessed his love to him. Of course he accepted. He loved Osamu but he also wanted to try and forget his feelings for Sakusa.
End of Flashback~
Being obviously happy they started to catch up before Sakusa's game deciding on what they wanted go after the game.
After they finished talking Suna waved him goodbye before finding a seat in the bleachers.

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