chapter 1

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I yawned as I carried my bag all the way to the large pink school. I was a middle class student that got a scholarship to go here along with my best friend Haruhi. (May surprise some of you but I'm a straight A student)

I went to the office with my friend. She wore a sweat shirt and some pants. She also had glasses and her hair was messy.

I wore black dress pants that hugged my legs and a white button up shirt. I liked to wear something that was close to the uniform, I didnt have a tie though. I also had large glasses that framed my face well.

I was only slightly shorter then Haruhi, I told her that I'd hit a growth spurt soon and shed rule the day of her teasing.

When we got our schedules, we went to the same class.

The teacher made us introduce ourselves, making me nervous.

I hated the attention I got.

Luckily Haruhi introduced me. We both sat down in seats, she was between two handsome twins and I was seated in front of her.

After class, we had free period, which usually meant Haruhi studying while I played on my phone. I didnt normally have to study, I knew everything that was being taught. Haruhi sometimes wishes out loudly that not studying would bite me in the ass, but it never has.

I followed Haruhi around as she grumbled about the libraries being loud.

I looked at the map in my hands "theres an abandoned music room, maybe we could study there" I said and she seemed to perk up.

"Yes, great thinking, even though I'd be the only one studying. Lead the way!" She exclaimed with a smile.

I smiled back and began to lead her to music room 3.

Once there, I put the map away and went to open it, once opened, I was drowned in a sea of petals.

"Welcome" more then one voice said.

I groaned as i brushed the petals off of me.

A stupidly tall blonde began to explain that this was a host club, causing me and Haruhi to internally panic, haruhi actually freaking out as she tried to open the door.

"This is a host club?!" Haruhi said in almost a whimper.

I was still picking petals off of me.

"Oh its boys" twins said.

I looked up to the boys to actually take notice of them as I then turned around to try and open the seemingly jammed doors.

I could hear them talking behind us but I didnt care as Haruhi listened.

I could hear a couple of them get closer to us. Thankfully they only focused on haruhi so I could at least try and get this fucking door open.

One of the advantages of being small.

Is not being seen right away.

But my small victory of being small was short lived as i felt someone spin me around to look at a boy that was slightly shorter then me.

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