
558 25 12

Oh my god! This couple! Man.... Excuse my language and my yelling....

Now listen up people! I've heard just enough shit from Sonouge lovers! The only reason why some Sonouge lovers like them is because of a simple moment that happened in a freakin' game! ALL THEY DID WAS SHAKE HANDS!!!

1) I don't see anything that they have in common or anything that they would like about each other

2) Some people are already saying that Rouge dislikes Sonic. SO HOW CAN THEY BE A COUPLE!?!?!

3) I watched a video on YouTube about this couple (I wish I could show it to y'all). In the video, there was a part where Rouge and Sonic were holding hands, but that was only a picture to make it LOOK like they were holding hands

Now I'm not telling you Sonouge lovers out there to stop liking Sonouge because I'm not gonna tell you what to do. I'm just telling you how I feel about this couple.....

-1000/10, That's how most I hate this couple. See ya later people!!

Sonic Couples (Old Version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin